Fort Worth Star-Telegram from Fort Worth, Texas (2024)

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Fort Worth Star-Telegrami

Fort Worth, Texas

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I Section Page 8 I wwwstar-telegramcom Saturday August 8 1998 opeselleeesoneleveleeevene FSIS Gold Silver r5orniiiu7o7Trid Hot Tubs 11111111111111111111111111111110111111111111 F594 Musks4 Instruments lonomenonnonononnemonom 1542 Sporting Exertion Equipment NIMPINSIMON111111111111111111111011MI f603 Toots GOLD PLATE Machine 112 yrs barely used $650 220-1290 inriall1111748111117: LIKE NEW teen tern jeans sz 8-9-10 850 540-1737 F31 Gameroom Equipment Misceganooug SUNBEAM PROSHAPE scale new 512 274-4785V f61 Vending Machine co*kES SNACKS on Location Candy mach 8wayilway and Vandal! $9500obo 227-8133pgr VENDING ROUTE Good Locations additional machines not on location will consider trade 656-9339 SELEDTIVEND DRINK Snack set 51200obo 295-8000 DRINK Snack Vending Mach For Sale 640-8360 For Info MID-CITIES VENDING Equip used drinksnacks 461-5251 WANTEEITCHERRY1ffrit tett al 84inens 9724398717 CIGARETTE VENDING Ma-m chine $200 475-5931o DrPap Mach changer ad 580 pgr 214-865-4811 frori loonememmalumansmoulmmo r618 Wamed To Buy Or WANTED: OLD Fishing lures of all kinds 817-367-2898 I WANTED HULL Corky pigg0' bank any color Call 251-0139 att 6:30 or Iv BUYING ANTIQUE turn need'' trig repair or not also other types of antiques 465-3253 MilkimModdmiodionlibmE000 1 MT BRUNSWICK pool table wasc- Ithr pckts claw feet Si 500 558-0609 BRUNSWICK EXEC Retail: $6000 Mah slate all ac cess $2500 485-9855 115THER POCKET Poo you move $500 cash St? 2464221 BRUNSWICK 7 Pool Table cherry finish leather pockets 2 yrs $1750 5723688 8' ANTIQUE pool table stein glass pool table lamp acc's S2200obo 283-5507 POOL TABLE dbl slate recently retelted balls acess $200 (817)292-3691 BEANIE BABIES good prices 33 common current $225 594-0721 Iv message VALLEY POOL table wBud light mercury cloth new rails $800 (817) 595-4469 NINTENDO 64 GAMES Playstation 64 GAMES Call 214-549-7115 7 BRUNSWICK pool table 8850 8' leather drop Pocket 181 7) 431-8865 RED WHITE blue 25C slot machine $1800 860-0671 0001 table gd cond incls access $650 329-2444 MOVE RE-COVER sell boot tables 431-8865 ARCADE STYLE video games for sale 594-0721 msg CASINO STYLE craps table new 5900 obo 594-0721 ARCADE VIDEO 8250 284-7521 0 CENT Slot '498-7577 PULL SZ Video Game Altered Beast $150 275-6728 NEVER USED 2pc Snky Pete que wcase S65595-4469 BAUCHAA COIN Op Pool Tbl Slate 6195 448-6988 2- 25 slot machines $1650 each serious only 540-2443 90SBALL TABLE Exc cond $75 (817) 292-9304 PINBALL MACHINE Magic' by Stern $100 285-0085 CEDAR BAR wref $240 obo (972) 254-2258 6pm SLATE TABLE Excel $895 used $695 265-6415 MOVE Recover Buy Sale Pool Tables 817-246-5107 F582 Spotting Exercise Equipment CUSTOM FIT copies of '98 Bertha X-12 Cobra Lynx Ping DCI 85 MIZUM) 3-PW $160up Titanium woods $125 281-9053 PLAY IT AGAIN SPORTS Buy sell tiade consign -New used Sports Fitness 1-800-PLAY-IT-I TRAMPOLINE HEAVY duty rectangle 10'6'x14'6 sate pads cover 1 owner $250 817-630-0162 COMPLETE SET of free wts tree nice bench winc dec dips legs squat rack S250 firm 860-6602 PRECOR TREADMILL cline $850 Solo-flex wall attachments $700 Stationary bike $100 444-2679 PING ZING II Red Dot 3-SW 5375 Ping Staff bag S150 firm 923-2092 Nordic Track walk fit pro like new complneart mon pd 5600 ask S300 545-7401 CALLOWAY WOODS Irons Call (817) 417-4505 or pgr (817) 213-8771 14 INSIDE doors SY): 38 laET redwood siding 51ea4 new molding price gardening tools (817) 834-2476 HI GRADE Ponderosa pine $130 bd ft length to 16ft John 972-262-1511 DiRECT FROM Quarry lime stone builders Stephenvilie 254-968-2789 or 968-7568 SAVE 25-60 on bath tubs whirlpools faucets sinks etc 817-265-6901 2 ANTIQUE ornate cast iron columns 1391 12" dia $15013 ea (817)685-9644 ROCK CONCRETE Brick Tile ealer Leaves Gloss in ish: S5 Per Gallon 5717568 USED PALLET Rack Shelving BuySell 940-440-9058 -27 612 mirrors $10ea (972)9861388 LUMBER 1X2-2X12 to 24ft tt2 YP (817) 636-2b68 WEATHERED warped lum bar plywd Doug 233-7487! ELK PREST II shingles weatM erwd 1972)445-5875 BEAUTIFUL LEADED GLASS ENTRY DOORS 431-2384 130 PC 16' 4" PVC pipe $500 5348901 NEW 44" PLYWOOD S1275 (817)473-2117 10' GALV tubing 3'h" dia Sell or trade 14ga 221-4680 HIGH SECURITY fence wgate 9hx201 $250 6542043 CHAIN LINK fence 2 6x8 2 6x6 gate $125 488-9340 APPROX 4000FT of 24k 274) pipe 2973190 aft 5 18' WOOD tresses $25 265- 4240 SOLID WOOD intext door 5125 (817) 654-2043 CABINET DOORS Different szs tinshuntnsh S5ea 481-6855 ALUM DOORS Closers $100 (817)492-0794 COPPER TUBING 14" OD SOFT ROLLS 498-0106 32' STEEL Door halt glass pet door S80 249-8352 15 COUNTER top wsink almond 575 (81 i) 220-4550 FENCE PIPE post 24 8ft 7tt (940) 549-3442 Lv msg SCAFFOLDING Jacks For Bricklaying 5100 268-8330 MOIMIEMOIMIIMMMOMIIMIEEPO F612 Fixtures 60000 SF Warehouse Blowout apparel racks show cases gondola storage displays peg hooks slat wall accessories signs 1000's of other items Pallet racking ladders lockers mezzanine material handling carts more Call 972222-9494 JEWELRY showcases $1000 obo 817-489-2031 817-489-2775 LIGHTS LOCKS Glass display host ost $2000 Must go $400 577-5401 TRANS 330 credit card terminal Verifone 250 printer 5150 pgr 817-2181696 USED BEAUTY shop equip for 12 price 4858845 OUTDOOR CENSORED flood lights S39ea 496-8369 WALL UNIT clothes rack top shelves $125 265-9412 STEEL SHELVING for sale Call 477-2707 eiresmemanalaresemeames F613 Restaurant Equipment ELECTRD-FREEZE SOFT ice yogurt cream machine Double head with a twist Excellent condition $2000 firm (254) 694-6990 USED WALK-IN cooler frzr complete best offer 263-1881 pgr 214-408-2969 HOBART REIRIDGERATOR Weber Freezer Menu boards time clock bread warmer (817) 294-4904 SNOW CONE Stand Fully equipped excellent cond wdrive thru window $3450 596-8125 DOG ROLLER Hobart Slicer Convection Oven 2Dr Freez- er etc Call (81 i) 624-3009 15 COMPARTMENT 3 sink Refrigerated sandwich table $2200 550-0663 14 CONCESSION trir ready equipped Current inspect plates 54500 625-7125 c'REDIT CARD equip Zon XL VeriOone printer 0P560 5495 obo 2356164 6 CUSTOM SALAD bar 3 door reach in refrigerator (817)531-1315 MICROFLAKE SNOWCONE Machines $895 Cali 265-1914 NEW BAR STOOLS tables 589-7055 800-817-8665 80 QT Mixer Oven Proof er Slicer Dry Case 274-6525 5 DONUT Display case 5100 GP (972) 262-1444 WALK INS reach ins deli cas es drink boxes 232-9611 2 PIZZA ovens 6 burner grill 2oven gas stove 246-7041 CAPPACINO MACHS Semi auto Italian grt buy 540-0146 10 BURNER Commercial Stove $450 279-7864 FRIG BEER Keg CO 2 Tank Gd Cond $250 560-2506 HAS RESTR EQIP $250 metro 817-268-0580 8X16 CONCESSION Trailer (8171 905-5872 REBUILT APW Single steam wells $125 ea 279-6876 CASIO CASH Register Micr wve $149 both 577-5401 SAN! SERV soft serve yqgart mach warranted 292-3719 NEW used walk-in coolers freezers 624-1199 onnommommomenommi F615 ModicalSuPPlies JAZZY ELECTRIC wheel chair like new '89 Ford Aerostar Van good cond wBruno lift 237-9913 PRIDE CELEBRITY elec 3 wh scooter hydraulic lift Ph yrs old (817) 335-9500 or 451-6110 WHEELCHAIRS FOR Sale: pwr Aero XT $975 Ultralight: Quickie $295 or Rolls 5000 $395 (817)292-7748 INVACARE ELEC wheelchair belt driven ad) arms elec- tric litt good cond $500 465-4771 CROW RIVER Wheel chair Van ramp pd $1200new never Used 1st $70000 Patient liftmakeoffer8l7-318-0803 RECLINER LIFT chair like new sea green New S199 Sell for 5350:5684785 NEED SMALL Light oxy tank carry-on shoulder lasts 7- 8hrs (817) 246-3927 NEW SCOOTER also lift full warr Guarnt lowest price Medicare avail 654-1075 SCOOTER MOTORIZED 3 whl Fortress 1 700 ES Series like new 51200 596-8115 RASCAL ELECTRIC 3 wheel scooter exc cond $1000 firm 472-7623 792-8013 PAP Breathing Machine For Sleep Abnea S500 obo (817)295-6838 AMIGO ELEC SCOOTER not used 3 will $1700 877-2412877 817-431-5348 ScOOTEF800 trunk lift 5200 elect rack 572-2904 EL EC HOSPITAL bed wmatt Extras $600 293-1214 WHEEL CHAIR lift for van elec wremote $2000 861-3721 NEBULIZER WCARRYING case $50 811-560-8424 WALKER Shower chairt1T) Will deliver I81) 595-3 59 OXYGEN CONCNTRTOR small oxygen $100 595-1269 WALKER WROLLERS In Front $35 (817) 282-5421 EL 1 CASH BUYERS Gold Silver Jewelry 34b 3777 emplannomumainnlognmo F586 Ramps COIN STAMP SHOW SAT AUG 8 9AM-6PM SUN AUG 9 9AM4PM GREEN OAKS INN 6901 FREEWAYI-30 Free admission Free parking Register for a FREE Gold Coin PAYING TOP Collections 214-824-4013 WE BUY gold silver coins and jewelry 589-7263 WE BUY COIN COLLECTIONS Causey's Auctions 831-0074 25 YR Old stamp Collection Some Mint 550 847-8006 F58S Guns ALPINE Shooting RANGE Open to the pu lin Rifle pistol range 56 per person action range 510 per entry Trap skeet sporting clays guns reloading gunsmith Concealed hand gun course requalltication 478-6613 Metro 572-1242 HAND GUN Match GUN WORLD Indoor range Colt true fire interactive shooting system $25 reg fee 1st prize Gold Cup Colt 45 CHL classes 575 complete Renewal classes also avail 817-332-5271 CLOCK 17 9mm 99 2-17 RI) MGS 6475 Sig Sauer P229 97 Blk40357 NT Fites 710 Rd Mgs $685 obo Combat 357 Mag Revolver $199 Beretta 22 Semi Pistol 5175 296-5710 GUN AUCTION Winchester Gallery Gun Store 1st Annual Gun Auction over 100 guns Sunday Aug16 Pre registerview guns now 6054 Lancaster 10 Buyers Premium Lic12743 496-3133 SKEET GUNS Belgium Browning 4bbl cased set 28" $3500 Rem 1100T Tournament 410 28 ga $475 ea or $900 both Rem 870 Skeet plus others rifles hand guns 656-0351 1 DAY GUN PERMIT Taught By Police Officers NEW RENEWAL CLASS WEEKDAY AND WEEKENDS VisaMC Arlington 860-1109 COLT PREBAN AR15 w3x scope $1100 firm Interesting trades? 817-573-3610 eve ITHACA M37 It wt ltd ed quail special 26" improved cylinder barrel near mint $475 (972) 262-8138 PRE-BAN AK 47 under fording stock NM Milied receiver $850 obo Pgr 817-216-6892 CUSTOM 6MM Sako action shillen barrel thumbhole fiberglass stock 35-10 Leo-pole (81 7) 431-0447 REMINGTON MODEL 7 deer rifles 6 mm 7 mm-08 $395 each 940-566-2712 WANTED Remington Derria- 2ers 41CA Call Al AUSTRIAN FAL SIG 58 762 Ike new $1000 day (817)280-0451 ATT RELOADERS! Need pistol brass? have all cal call Eddie 834-5716 or 994-3755 DU COLLECTOR SET Browning Sweet 16 and 12 Gauge $1900Pair 817-596-9389 AMMUNITION reloading equip supplies 5600 Wedgmont CIrcle Sat Aug 8 -GUN' PERMIrCriMP LEW 6500 grads (97S P226 W245 round clips S500 (8171 281-3638 GLOCK 22 40 cal exc cond $4000bo cash 4834097 REMINGTON 700 BM 22-250 scope 5550 246-6132 6p RUG M77 VT 25-06-6)(24BL $750 firmcash 431-3701 REMMINGTON SAKO Varmint Rifles 283-0527 WANTED STOCK 1893-96 Mauser Pgr 499-1224 INEATHERBY300 $750 270 S580 Never shot 645-4206 PRE-AR! 5-7 62 COLT upper 51000after 6 441-6335 9 MM Taurus Auto wCase Clip S400(817) 261-4043 12 GAUGE shotgun wsep slug barrel $150 270-2595 22LR LUGER 4 clips $200 847-6214 MI-A NM in box will trade for AR-I5 HBAR 5-9pm 428-9527 TAURAS 357 Mag $200 obo (817) 581-2005 MAHOG FINISH gun cabinet S100 246-4014 REM 22 rifle lOshot clip scope case S165 488-1410 MOSSBURG 600 12ga Pump 5140 pg (817)218-5854 BROWNING GOLD triggers 12 S600ea obo 511-0716 WINCHESTER 06 Real old 22 pump $250 577-0716 MST-WE-WOOD i Uun net $300 268-8330 WALTHER PPKS 380 in box xtra mag $525 516-0525 imoneeeemmeemeemino F589 Jeeteiry Stones BEAUTIFUL 18K Yellow Gold Earrings Worn Once 12 Ru- bies -35mm ea equaling 180 tcw Fine with good color 8 brilliant cut diamonds equaling 80 tcw Clarity and color SI-I F-G Appraised at S4900 Asking $3000 (817)588-3874 BEUTIFUL OVAL 103 ct diamond white gold settings jewlers wholesale cost 53100 will take $2900 cash 784-3086 940-458-4950 30 DIAMOND and gold bangle 55900 48 in 6S-7mm rose poem" strand 56100 817- 868-1295 817988-9803 14KT GOLD Opal dinner ring 1 8x1Omm oval opal 16 out- sakpg6o0x0545c44affor e5r12dOla0m BEAUTIFUL 12CT marque engagement ring $1800 neg 467-7535 62CT RD cut diamond 5500 obo 244-9084 560-4419 ANTIQUE POCKET watch En-cell 5175 (972) 262-8138 LADIES DIAMOND ring 27 sm diamonds $180 245 5 5 onosimmilommononomons 7591 APParel WHITE EUROPEAN-MADE WEDDING DRESS x-tras included (too many to name) WM take to you Call 817-523-4004 after 5 pm CROSS FOX coat length 35" $3500 Royal brown ranch mink coat length 48" $2500 817-498-3056 LADIES 131 KEAN Suede Western Jacket Size Sm S50 Black Velvet Long Sly Formal Size 7-8 550 640-2137 WEDDING DRESS wht wAace train Sz 16 New $1000 Sell $400 18171 246-5097 BOOTS shoes 11A like new $35 up 2329573 FLOWER GIRL Dress Sz 4 $45 (817) 732-1230 LADIES NICE clothing sz 10- 12 SW Art (817) 561-0269 WEDDING DRESS wveil $250 620-8522 DRESSES SUITES acces Sz 6-14 5200 268 0580 GOLD HIP length slicker type rain coat XL 535 581-9897 GIRLS CLTHG (0-3yrs) Like New All under 33 33 33 33 SHOES LIKE new 812 sz 10 S5-10pr 274 9689 8 PR of womens shorts 20'01 2401 S30for all 545-9101 DESIGNER WEDDING gown Si 1012 5650 355-2686 MATFRNITY CLOTHE'S firesscosuai S25ali 265-6644 PORTABLE WHEELCHAIR ramps 5100 595-3159 ECT scooter 8375tirm (817) 738-9b48 OXYCON BRAND oxygen concentrator S900 279-6177 ADJUSTABLE POTTY chair exc cord 825 249-0415 UPHOt STRD-Eiiim Or Thera py Ude $100 441-8053 ELECT POWER Chair Rascal 4 whir 6800 Carl 237-2483 El-FT CHAIR almost new 6250 (940) 368-8863 WHEELCHAIR S125 1 yr old Gd Cond 181 7) 790-3876 7616 MiSCeiittfleOUS UNIVERSAL 595 Screenprint- 130rilreAsrca)2edrts screens LogE processor 1250 Signmaker IVB comp in- ledace Cuts vinyl letters for signsS2500 817-498-7694 SILVER PUNCH Set 14pi 1001 Silver Coffeetea set pi 5100 Sewing Mach $75 Entry Settle $35 (817)498-7577 AQUARIUM 30GAL complete 95 Elec meat slicer S50 Id antique peddle sewing mach 575 4 drawer oak GT ing cabinet $90 498-7577 PLEXIGLASS BIRD cage 24x24x36 cust made wcab stand really nice $250 (817) 557-3523 HEAVY DUTY palet racking approx 2 full truck loads Call 3325336 for info directions MOVING MUST sell Ig desk couch love seat oak tables portable BB hoopetc 572-2885 PALLET RACK SHELVING used new (817) 589-8802 wwwwarehouserackcom RTA SEARS tiller Jayco ser 1006 deluxe pop up camper Selltrade 477-2934 CARGO SHELF for van S500 obo Drafting table $300 5573637 HANDMADE QUILTS for sale Baby full twin or queen Or will quilt your top 572-2984 DISH NETWORK Sys 599 Cardioglide $139 165 Chrome wheels 575 2677927 10X15 PERSIAN rug S350 slide projectorscreen 150 both exc cond 4837800 SNOWIZARD SHAVED ice machine product freezer 817-790-5842 HOMELITE CHAIN SAW S100 firm 30 gallon compressor $125080 590-9775 50 GAL aquarium accessories on wood pedestal S250 558-7986 FRESH WATERMELONS can taloupes FR 1187 rot of I35W 5150 up 561-5524 QN SZ bed 560 pool tbl $100 baby stroller fold go playpen $50 417-4869 GLASSFRONT DISPLAY cases Oak 1946 Gov't issue 535ea 232-1837 LARGE FRIG gas grill Nordic Power weight resistance make otter 817-329-3347 HOOKED ON Phonics Reading 575 Reel-to-Reel w8- Track 575 275-4326 CASH REGISTER Argyle 14 process camera Strap-tyer strapping machine232-2143 TANNING BED 28 bulb built In fan rathoS350 obo (817) 46 4)944 METABOLITE 356 Herbal dietary product 25 off Call tor details 654-4057 BAR-BQUE SMOKER on trailer $400 (817) 246-5274 BULL RIDER'S Irg protective vest worn 2 $1 00 444-4852 55 GAL barrels metal plastic (817) 834-0410 MOVIES BVDs for sale (214) 890-6981 QN BED shives Kg mattress ent cntr Moo 536-3562 LRG IGLOO dog house S30 (817) 795-6341 600 GALLON alumunum tank S600281-9488 281-4927 APOLLO MISSION Scrap Book $30 847-8006 FRIG BEER Keg CO 2 Tank Gd Cond 5250 560-2506 CANNING JARS 1 Doz quarts 5450pints 5425 281-5500 P245 75-16 BE Goodrich tires $80ea 817-516-8473 ANTIQUE SAFES Bought 888-393-6232 OLD PHILCO cab radio GE Stereo $50both 496-9222 MINI BLINDS S5 (817)960-3125 METAL DESK wlock'g drwr $65 Car dily $250 2613999 SNOW CONE stand equipped $7500060972-262-4261 FREE RECYCLABLE plastic 496-8369 OCEANIC 6 protein skimmr wpump $150 633-3454 89 DAVID Robinson Hoops (40) $175 295-2830 29 K-KEYBRO S50 386 comp wcoior mon $60 297-3067 ATTIC FAN WO 181 7) 617-1480 Pager AQUARIUM STAND more S20 An Walter 801-8856 RC NASCAR 1:24 13 lstfinancial $40 478-2354 30" 8" Diameter Cardboard Tubes 50C each 267-5525 NAIL GOGRAPRIC rnags 83-87 S9 ea 4614576- LIS POSTAL Marilyn Monroe posters $100 483-3872 CAST IRON parlor wood stove (reprod) S250 367-0500 2 60'S Style Hanging Lamps $25 ea or $45 all 460-7230 PHONICS READING set $90 cost $225unused 626-5525 MOVING BOXES includes2 garment boxes $30 439-1127 WATERHEATER 5100 CASH 731-8612 EXER ()NIT 575 ladder ba chrs $210 972-446-0829 HOT WATER HEATER Si (817) 617-1480 Pager CHINA SW design 5blaitc95es ting for 8 $75 REPTILE CAGE 6x4x3 sl ing door 5100 588-2829 WM ALEXANDER easel cr $179 sell 565 571-4379 DISNEY CLASSIC 'Lady I Tramp" $200 VHS426-10 MOVING BOXES wardro boxes $125 379-80 NORITAKE CHINA 23pc $400 S210obo281-54d WETBAR NEW Delta taw $190 817-656-0421 EXER UNIT S75 ladder back chrs $210 972-446-0829 HOT WATER HEATER S65 (817) 617-1480 Pager CHINA SW design 5 place setting for 8 575 274-9546 REPTILE CAGE 6x4x3 slid ing door $100 588-2829 WM ALEXANDER easel cost $179 sell 565 571-4379 DISNEY CLASSIC 'Lady the Tramp" $200VHS426-1014 MOVING BOXES wardrobe boxes $125 379-8080 NORITAKE CHINA 23j)c Cost $400 S210obo281-5449 WETBAR NEW Delta faucel $190 817-656-0421 FENCE PANELS child's bed room suit pg 833-1247 BEAUTICIAN ROLL tray mag netic rollers $15 545-5608 PRIV SCHOOL Books Grade 11 Starting S1500 2822372 GO KART 35 hp 1 seater $250 972-223-4110 Desoto MOVING BOXES Over 200 $225oho (817) 581-4636 B-B-Q GRILL 2 tanks 2 burnerssmi unit $65 2833384 CORN ROASTER Like New $3750 589-0944 432-6399 OLD LIFE Playboy magazines 100-i-ea 297-9782 ACE K3-85 Curriculum 5125 obo (817) 922-0522 HOOKED ON Phonics math $175 (972)263-0442 WHT WICKER dining table 4 chrs $250 4617754 FIVY STEEL Charcoal Smkr Pd $75 833-4086 TUB-30 CHAIR-25 (817) 274-8046 100 pure deep sea sharkliv er (3650 Squalene 281-4124 ENGLISH SADDLE i150 817-361-908 5 GALLON Empty Paint Buckets 25 each 737-7888 erg' 5gG3 7r717-31ai 1 1 POOL SALE quick installation Save 30 293-4099 F600 Laymmovw Saks Santa 96 CRAFTSMAN riding mower 18hp Kohler Magnum 424 auto trans used 2 yrs $1500 obo 236-4084 SEARS CRAFTSMAN riding mower mulch kit includ- ed $850 817-498-6114 RIDING LAWNMOWER Snapper elackhawk lights like new $625 (817) 4138-7943 MURRAY ULTRA riding mower auto 16 hp indust cog $600 558-6363 aft 7 pro HONDA comm'l mowers exc cond used 1 season all access 61300obo 561-2326 LAWNMOWER SPIN-START sys power drill driven 53999 237-9502 LAWN MOWING BUSINESS 16 ft trlr commercial equipment etc 817485-5604 GAS MOWER S65 Elect Weed eater $18- Electric Edger $35 (972) 642-0530 ALMOST NEW SP Craftsman mower Si 25-8 others 784-3945 CASE CLASS 0 Tractor 14hp Onan mtr 48" deck wl3pt 81500 4011314 riding mowers 33" 48" 8400-5300 Euless 283-8464 LAWNMOWER small eng repairs (817) 534-5347 JD RIDER new eng (817)237-5592 MUST SELL '98 Scag Turf Tiger I hr $6700 237-5592 21" TROYBILT self propelled like new $275 451-4030 HP riding mower $175 needs some wric 738-3425 40 cut Murray Rider ex-cond $500 656-3665 before 8 MID 5HP Tiller 2 Hrs Exc Coed $235 4781692 SELF-PROPELA MOWER 595 push-mower $75 354-1992 GAS EDGER each Call 284-7175 DYNAMARK RIDER rehlt 12hp IC39cut $475 295-8833 NEW LAWNMOWER 5100 467-0654 after 5pm LAWNROV elec start exec coed 5150 297-4508 SEARS 5HP rototiller $175 (817) 277-2166 JOHN DEERE 1212 hp Riding Mower S1800 367-3742 WHITES 820 lawntractor $200 244-2741 MURRAY RIDING Mower Runs Good $249 obo 551-6183 21 IN Murray Slf Prop Rr Bag Like New S-110 276-1686 MOWER MURRAY 21 in 40 runs greatS50 485-5350 SNAPPER 35HP wmuich kit $40 rear bagger 281-5371 ognmeommommommomm F601 Ut Garden TURN riding Snapper mower 60" blade Kohler eng $3000 817-424-3335 JOHN DERE Riding lawnmower $350 477-2390 HEAVY DUTY tiller excel cond S200 927-873 HOMELITE 4 hp lawnmower $75 cash (817) 460-7213 MOWER new EMS 35 hp rear bag575 478-0644 22" MURRAY high whlimuich 5hp cond $75 656-0963 (5) 15GAL Crepe Myrtles 535 each 267-5525 LAWNMOWER 35 hp looks runs good 560 468-9518 ROTER TILLER 5hp Briggs Stratton5100 473-6983 FREE Concrete paving stones approx 140pcs 24973247 SNAPPER 4HP mower 20' xtra motor 5125735-8269 MOWER $50 561-4296 11111WILEMBIEMESEMEMNIMPININI fl9 3 TeOIS ATTN PAINTERS! Binks Super Bee vogun 75ft hose new PC box fld sect" 51300 41- 8001 glue pump $300 636-2715 or 214-833-5551 225 AMP Arcwelder 5150 vac pump 550 bench grind- er 12hp 575 Sawzall Reddi-Blow 575 (817) 448- 8569 237-4181 18FT POWERMATIC Planer (quiet 1)10hp 3 phase incl 220 dust collector wtubing $5000 915-574-1544 i compressor I4V12 spray gurr drill press more 90-3481 yoke SNAP ON tool box tIkr1763 24x41x73 like new S2500 With tools $6000 David 817-453-0354 MI iCHblrMTICITEart3ookS 00mostiC Import drivability some electrical like new 8250 ea Set 248-3033 SBS SPRAY booth system 56000 for more info call 740-1858 ask for Rick SBS PAINT Booth frame machine misc $5000 cash 817-360-2144 CONCRETE carpenter tools pumps motors etc Call after 6pm 281-1960 ALLEN ENGINE analyzer witgas analyzer needs work $750 (817) 246-2625 BOS BD nailr BW biscuit joiner $160 Mk S12V drill 5150 more 284-2854 SCAFFOLD 6FT 6in 58 frames casters aluma plank 297-2780hm 331-8699pgr WASHER 3000 1508 hose 5 tips injector gun Used Once $1600 -237-6236 NEW TITAN T640P HBLP 2 in One Pot Gun Hose All Tips $1100 237-6236 PAINT BOOTHS hi qua! low SS fin avail 903-587-Of 69 OTC 4000 Enhanced scanner wAsian S1000obo 579-6968 POWERMATIC WOOD lathe model 45 $1000 737-3908 SHOPSMITH MARK with Access $1000 281-9045 ESP INSPECTION MACHINE SAVE SSSS 371-2342 1900 LB JPIatiorm scale 5150 281-9488 281-4927 NVR usEp thrgle ladder 27' whook 5200 451-3478 4X8 STEEL workbench on casters $100 496-5395 TENSIONER LIKE new manual S2200bo (817) 284-4941 230 AMP ac welder $125 (817)923-6603 ALIGN-SYS BRAKE TIC bal air corn lifts 589-1094 2-HP INDUSTRIAL gas motor $30 81-237-2528 UPRIGHT TRANSMISSION lack 700Ibs $100 431-9155 REBUILDER'S BENCH 12 ft S150 1817) 617-148( LIKE NEW shop air comp S250 pg 888-685-0403 PARTS WASHER air agitated $175 281-9488 281-4921 18IN CARBIDE Saw blade like new cond $75 431-8112 PNEUMATIC STAPLER US Made S100 431-8112 HILT! Bosh hammer drills reasonably priced 297-2920 HYDRAULIC PALLET AO $75478-7450 MIG STICK kit for AC Welder 630 (817)624-0801 DEWALT HEAVY duty palm grip sander $35 571-4379 USED PALLET I 25- $190 838-6000 PAINT BOOTH wittre sys elec $4600 284-2886 (2) WELDING bottles with guarantee $9 ea 4 8-7450 CRAFTSMAN 10" radial arm saw wk grt $125 468-0826 SBEND 9X115 some tooling hobby 237-2038 9 2 6 VITAMAS1 ER ELECTRIC treadmill 2yr old $200 514-0945 TENNIS ROOT Wilson Hammer 62 SI(XJ 427-1050 PING-EYE 2 copies 2 SW wbag $220 483-0936 NORDIC TRACK Challenger Like new5165obo 310-9360 I-IM GYM: bench row at squat leg 400 lb S300557-1267 ELECTRIC GOLF pull cart exc cond $250 485-1473 LIFESTYLER CARDIO Eit new digital $75 545-5713 WOMENS' ROLLER Blades $75 1817)2494505 NORDIC TRACK--75 obo (817)370 9116 NORDICTRACK WALK-FIT $200 2774 567 MUST SELL Power Rider wivideo 550 370-9976 NORDICTRACK PRO Skier 1st $200 takes it 860-7808 NORDIC TRACK Pro great cond 5150 292-4228 HUFFY BASKETBALL Goal Pole Base $70 571-7601 845'S 3SW 5225 281-6328 PING ZINGS 3SIAT275 obo 545-2179 COBRA II 3-Gap steel shafts $325 9232662 NORDICTRAC USED 30 hrs Steal at $200 355-0410 BRAND FITNESS flyer $150: 467-0654 aft 5pmlv msg PING ECHO Putter Alien SW $95 923-2662 NORDIC TRACK Pro ski mach $249 571 5954 JORDAN Articles all Makes Szs Under 5150 868-7204 MINI TRAMPOLINE good condition $10 (817)2813457 TREADMILL AUTO incline heart monito 575 355-9134 TREADMILL $40 557-1267 ADAMS TIGHT Lies 16 firm Graphite $125 431-0163 HEALTHRIDER $85 obo (817)355-0680 HEALTHRIDER NEVER used $250 (972) 602-1068 CALLAWAY BB Driver 10 Deg $150 obo 545-2179 LIKE NEW Walkmate Treadmill $25 293-6792 NEVER USED Health Rider 5250 obo (817)251-9097 BODY BY Jake Ab Back Plus Mach $100 738-8059 EXERCISE BIKE by Vaamaster $35 (817) 571-7258 HEALTH RIDER $100 (871) 685-8428 CARDIO GLIDE Pro Exerciser 1 st $100571-3364 Atter 5p PING ZING 1 2 SW LW irons $50 ea 921-0776 BIG BERTHA woods $250 Ping irons $250 831-4830 DELUXE BASKETBALL goal compl exc $50 485-4181 FENWICK EAGLE $70 Metro 817-558-3602 NORDICTRACK RIDER $135oho 926-9442 aft 9pm BRUNSWICK FULL size slate thl like new $800: 261-9904 1 4 HP elect treadmtil AVM 2-4 mph S75 581-1171 WANTED TREADMILL auto incline 926-9853 NORDITRACK Achiever $475 stepper $50 429-5319 HEALTHRIDER NEVER Used $250 (817) 295-5186 BIGGEST BIG Bertha Div $335 496-4488 901-5540 KING COBRA Copies 3-PW Never Used $120 656-7456 EXERCISE BIKE $20 (817) 790-3876 YAMAHA 4-WHL gas Go It cart 51500 obo (817) 558-9433 SR KING Snakes Graphite 2 GW $350 obo 545-2179 KIDS ROLLER hockey equip used once $125 465-6652 13FT ROUND trampoline wPad-cvr $125 292-9368 NEW PAINT Ball Gun All Assec ones $150obo 516-8565 BASKETBALL GOAL Set $40 Complete 457-8505 TANNING BED Never used 817 354-4642 F583 sires RCIO TEAM car weverything S350 obo (817) 263-7204 or pgr 617-9298 LITTLE TIKES Timbertep Tree-house Climber $200 Play Slide $15 481-8398 COMMERCIAL STAINLESS steel playground slide $350 561-2046 MENS 10 SP Boys BMX Ladys bike S35 each i9721 642-0530 WANT TO buy Lti Tikes playground or irgr 281-1114 IQ SPD Puegot Mens Blke 560 924-5589 LIL TYKES country cottage playhse S100 236-4328 TRAMPOLINE: RECTANGULAR new mat $100 498-1733 TREK RACKING bike Shimano grs accs S125 926-6129 27" SCHWINN Le Tour 1 Osp $60 626-0499 DYNO BIKE 201n all chrome B135 838-3170 aft 3pm 10 BIKES reconditioned new paint S30-60 275-521B 3 PLAYSTATION GAMES S45 or trade 472-6354 Jason BOYS BIKE Murray 16" black good cond $15 5615325 10-SP SET S100 Swn-male $30 485-4936 CUSTOM MADE glider type swing 575 246-40114 BRIO TRAIN table excel cond SI 75obo 732-3664 SUPER NINTENDO in box w10 games 575 8312332 WOODEN FORT swingset good cond $100 2924228 HUGE TRAMPOLINE Great cond $100 817-306-0805 NINTENDO 64 All Star Baseball 99 540 847-4168 LIKE MEW little Tykes garden $25 (817) 540-5727 RC NASCAR 1:24 13 1st-I-financial $40 473-2354 RALEIGH 10-SPD bikes $30 each 561-2046 CHILDRENS PICNIC table $45 441-7919 BRIO TRAIN table 575 childs table $50 738-3287 PACIFIC NOMAD mtn bike $115 (817)483 4124 MONGGOOSE BMX Bike $100 (817) 534-0360 Playstation console 2 control no games $100 232-5286 SC HWINN BOYS bike 16" Gremlln $75 498 9459 SUPER NINTENDO w6 Games $95 465-8979 ELEC 4 wheeler like new pd $180 now S75 282-8666 HUFFY 12SPD mens bike S50 534-0360 LADIES I OSPD Lille New 545 457-8505 26 NIENS 3spd bicycle S20 (817) 514 9406 KID'S WOOD PLAY CENTER gd shape $150 obo465-6652 HO LOCOMOTIVES 6 kinds mint bk S240a11 656-3394 JAS BOND 64GarneS40 nego Mem card S15 2681429 HEADSTORM CHILDS swing-set $100 (817)485-7040 WINO Diamond Back like new S149 496 8668 SCHWININ ROAD Bike ex cond S100 i817) 841-1925 Check out Startime on Fridays for more Star-Telegram Classifieds! YAMAHA ALTO sax with case 53500ho 7383584 11-FLAT FLUTE 2yrs old used 1 yr $350 370-9311 IBANEZ TALMAN lipstick pickups 3250 483-3790 1986 BALDWIN Organ mint cond 6250firm 424-4242 TASCAM-IDA30-MK2 NEW heads 5600 457-6417 WASHBURN D-13 Guitar nice wcase $250 571-7800 YAMAHA 225 flute case like new S375 460-2135 OLDS TROMBONE wicase $85 590-2280 INGLEHART CELLO full sz $400 (817) 441-6155 PEAVEY ELECTRIC hardshell guitar case 525 595-1674 YAMAHA ALTO Sax lyr old like new MO 465-2089 MANN FOLK guitar-60 545-0087 CON CORNET usedood cond $200 obo 65b-8538 GUITAR Amp S150 (817) 346 8470 RAPHSODY ANALOG String Synthesizer $130 737-3950 4 A Schrober Cello bag bow 51200 obo 557-1611 SK-20 ANALOG SYNTHESIZERORGAN $220 737-3950 NORMANDY CLARINET case S150 275-8008 CLARINET FOR SALE Call 735-9893 Only $175 ALTO SAX Yamaha YAS-23 ex cond $550 346-83540 TROMBONE WCASE Good Cond $200 488-9449 LvMsg SPEAKER REPAIR Sales Service 334-0713 P595 PlanosOrgans YOU CAN OWN A BRAND NEW UPRIGHT PIANO FOR S490N $49M0 BRAND NEW GRAND PIANO FOR $1350N $135M0 STEINWAY HALL FT WORTH 589-0100 FOR THE best prices on Yamaha piano keyboard inventory in Tarrant Co! Preowned grands vertical pianos Luke Wickman Piano Co 3717 Camp Bowie 737-8500 BURGUNDY MAHOGANY studio many other grands studios consoles spinets to choose from 817-221-4491 NICE GRAND PIANO Good Tone $1995 Good Student Piano $495 Tuned Del Guar 429-0987 TOP CASH FOR PIANOS 346-8830 Buy Sell The Plano Man USED PIANOS Spinets uprights grands $799 up 5454103 6FT PACKARD Grand Piano $1200 obo Needs repair 817-558-4082 WURLITZER SPINET PIANO Beautiful Maple Case Exc Cond $1200 obo 568-8703 SAMICK 6FT lin Grand Piano Walnut excellent cond $6500 817-613-0155 PIANO FOR SALE Story Clark Console Very good cond $900 441-7836 FREE PIANO FACTS BUY SELL TRADE 817-282-8497 KNABE CONSOLE 40" pecan finish exc cond $1595 (817) 329-0915 WANTED OLD popular player piano rolls in good cond 2491371 PREMIER BABY GRAND piano dark wood bench 51500 817-458-8604 BLACK KAWAI 50 inch upright piano Appraised at $3800 asking 53200 481-5388 WE BUY PIANOS Music 419-0353 545-1103 MUST-S $500 T-MittW91124478-r151 YAMAHA UPRIGHT U1 gloss black piano 53200 655-3817 SMALL ELEGANT Baby Grand Excellent! $1695 625-6555 SPINET PIANO bench good for practice $475 419-9205 LOWREY ORGAN Cotillion $2000 817-346-2875 HAMMOND CONSOLE organ exc cond $800 295-8033 BABY GRAND cherry wd looks play great $2500 483-1694 PIANO $395 Cash or take up pmts (817) 558-9300 YAMAHA G3 6 ft Grand Shiny Black $7500 975-2397 ANTIQUE UPRIGHT piano plays well bst 236-7508 UPRIGHT PIANO Bood cond $475 (817) 44d-9391 KIMBALL CONSOLE Piano exc cond $800 465-1336 SPINET CONSOLE walnut wbench $800 292-1091 KIMBALL CONSOLE Piano Bench $1000 551-6774 1947 EVERETT WBench Mahogany $650 589-2877 EARLY 1900 's Upright Piano S240 (817)496-0121 BEAUTIFUL BALDWIN Baby Grand $3500 346-8830 HUNTINGTON EARLY 1900s Must See $200 838-5319 WINTER SPINET Piano Cherry 8550 (817) 346-2454 WURLITZER MAHOGANY upright ex cond 838-5171 FOR RENT PRACTICE PIANOS Music Hu len 4294105 AH419-0353 IT Worth 545-1103 F597 Musk Lelleni GUITAR LESSONS! (817) 577-5250 UNT GRADUATE offering guitar lessons Call 921-0877 PRIVATE PIANO Inst 15yrs Exp Beg-Adv Lisa 563-0821 F598 Pools Slms Hot Tubt HABITAT: TANNING mist sa15- na stereo All inci in I unit New S1OK Must sell $2000 Will deliver 940-872-2565 SPA HOT tub 5 person pOrtable wshoulder back hip neck lets never used sacrifice $1675 (81 7) 261-2573 HAYWARD 15)(30 above ground pool wdeck rail 91 stairs $9500bo 66307 JACUZZI PORTABLE spa must see to appreciate $995 Call 279-8391 24FT ROUND above gmd pool new trier hoses Paid S3K Ask $1000 367-2767 USED SPA sale great selection from $750 Call 572- 0004 ask for Bryan LIMITED NUMBER of above ground pools remain at huge savings 293-4094 ABOVE GROUND Complete wDeck Best Otter 249-4863 CUSTOM SPA COVERS NEW USED 498-1628 ANDY VAC head w30ft hose access S225 4312393 24 Doughboy 18mo's Cost 54k 52500 firm 238-8453 24 ABV Grnd Pool All Equip $550 Remove 834-1805 NEW CEDAR dry sauna Sacrifice: $1800 561-1001 8X8 ABOVE Ground Spa Tub wicyr $2200 861 8320 6 PERSON Therapy Spa warr $1500 903 873-3983 OVERST6CKED 3 6 person spa Great SS 293 4094 CLOSEOUT SPAS great say- ings S2500-6000 293-4099 A610VE GROUND POOLS from 599 metro 817-265-5232 Buy a B1GTruck In B1651 2 2 8 0 SEVERAL KEY Mach' Pos Up 483-4186 OLDER SNAP on top box 5100 817-244-7382 1111111111MINIIIIMIORMINIMINIMMIO E604 Miscellaneous Machinery USED EQUIP Miller Pumps Ovens Motors sae trouneurr snot trosehinste97Itidetsbisn CLASSIC '72 C60 Chevy truck 2 ton gin pole all hitches military winch Looker ready towork 817558-3100' BIG JOE battery operated Presto hydraulic litt truck Presto hydraulic toot pump 817-268-6700 INGERSOLD RAND 185 air compressor diesel low hrs 57500 214-769-7436 FORD SKID Steer Loader LX565 model69250 214- 769-7436 HYTROL POWER conveyor 241n wide 200tt like new any time 972-4457 744 WHITEMAN POWER buggy 8hp WISCOnSin eng Exc cond 51500 817-396-4601 ELEC motors still in box 1 5hp 4-burner cook stove 817-2446068 AIR COMPRESSOR Table saw Engine puller stand 283-2108 1994 YALE FORKLIFT lp 191" lift sideshift shape 181 7) 589-8802 11)(17 MULTI-LITH press Tiptop shape $900 Cali Bob Yates 834-4144 LINCOLN WELDING mach SA200 '82 mod pert cond $2500 cash 2389754 17X22 BAUM folderright angle great working machine 51250 -924-1101 KELLY B15A back hoe attach mnt gd cond fits mid-sized tractor $3200 919-4791 5000 WATT Coleman generator $350 732-3345 STRIPING machines S2200 aft 6 (817)625-8145 WOODSHOP DUST collector wductworkS500 432-4600 ANTIQUE VALVE Grinding Machine $750 obo 558-3852 2500 PSI Pressure Washer wTrI7 6 mos old 3586872 CHIPPER MORBARK 175 $4000 485-1526 60 Dec Bosch Jack Ham bits cart 6650 444-6331 WANTED gcl Chainsaw Sharpener reasonable 295-1246 PLASMA DUI ItfL fll4e fiFT cap $799 8887184974 10HP INDU5T riding cement trial mach 51K 834-1588 F606 Heavy Machinery PORTAGE HOZ Boring Mill 4" Spindle 60" Table Travel 8' Saddle Travel 43" Vertical Travel 36" Spingle Travel Under Power S7600 Call 817-237-4735 PRIME MOVER Elect Fork Lift 51250 Hyster 8000 lb dual air tires Recon Hyster 5000 lb 16ft trip ss air tires 296-7474 call any time DRAGLINE NEEDED to work approx 8 Ac Sand pit Little stripping deep sand 1 mi haul By ton produced weekly pay James 940-433-5485 480 FLL Construction King way blade front end loader 2100 hrs $16500 940- 648-3633 or 817-638-5004 89 580 Case Const King backhoe heatac good cond 4435 hrs good glass520995254-6392476 JD TRAC loader 830 rippers exc cond ready for work $7500 972-429-9621 FORKLIFT 4228 Tow motor 25001bs propane $1300 (940) 328-1872 MOTOR GRADER CAT mod12 $4500 254-898-1000 or 817-833-4818pgr JOHN DEER Skid Loader 125 diesel $5750 485-2860 CASE 480D LoaderBackhoe ff3oviomint Jo 350 Track Loader new motor ready to work $7750 972-203-8370 REDUCED PRICE 12 Caterpillar Motor Grader Runs gd $4800 817- 641-7703 CASE 580B Backhoe $5506 International 175B Track Loader $12000 220-7005 FORK LIFTS USED NEW RENTALS SERVICE METRO 972-399-1839 FORKLIFT 3K TS-SS Capatillar Bargain 626-4334 3K CLARK LPG 4K AC Fork lifts good runners 831-0901 Manidig Mini Blhoe 20hp 2wd wIder $8500 444-6331 CAT 955L track loader gd cond $25k (817) 732-8254 BAKER 4000 Fork Litt runs great $1850 478-1653 rfi S' Ct9 es To Portable Bialle Moved Carswell Houses Duplexes Still Available 377-3303 BEAUTIFUL 2250SF home-needs to be moved- value of $150K will sell $8K obo (817) 379-9323 SCRATCH dent special savings several 2934094 8 Walls Skylights 516-0270 PORTABLE BUILDING Moving Trailer 923-7854 4- 24)(60 used modular class room bldgs 972-241-3371 20x20 lyo 2story bidg on skids- wired $5500 3679595 PORTABLE BLOBS Moving BuySell 293-4E110 SM 6X7' wood bldg S250 Metal Ig rack $20 261-3999 MORGAN 8X10 metal build wy wood floor 6500 467-3165 mommemommuswommon f110 Building Materials METAL MART STEEL BUILDING MATERIALS Steel Residential Roofing Build your own and save 205(20 Carport low as $399 Weatherford -120 Exit 410 1-800-677-2504 Gainesville 3600 Hwy 82 1-800-677-2514 CASH CARRY SPECIALS 3 tab Roofing $899-51199 so Timberline look a likes $1799 Ext Metal door units 56999 6x8 fence sections 52199 4x8 Ruf Siding 8' OC $1299 FOREST-HILL LUMBER 3370 Mansfield 5345968 FULL LINE OF HARDWARE Redwood ibr treated ibr DOORS DOORS Door Units TEAGUE LBR 332-8393 ROOFING CASH CARRY 20yr 3tab Reg colors $1695 25yr shake design 52495 2 primed Sdg $499 4k812" sheetrock $498 Truett Britt Bldg Materials 2370 Riverside Or 820-0690 WHITE RAISED PANEL Kitchen cabinetsarox 2611 base Approx 30 wall dbl oven pantry upright for- mica tops $500 -923-3871 CALIFORNIA CORP TEXAS BLDG MATERIALS Roofing vinyl Siding 924 Churchill 6263781 6 WHITE Kitchen Cabinets I Yr Old Double Stainless Steel Sink wTaucet S1000 Nego 181 7) 624-7025 OVERHEAD GARAGE doors 168 (2) 7x8 wopeners hardware tdre new 5375 eve 181115965724 7 MEN'S WORK pants 34x33 ss shirt $5 each 275-8984 WM) GOWN lace-sequinsbeads bow 8200 232-4948 1111111116111111111111101111111110111111111 F592 Sewhog Machim Sales 1 Unica BERNINA 1130 cutting ta ble mat All supplies and attachments S1000 817244-9039 MDU 4947 TTRIArSEWINU-Vatit $925 817946 USED INDUSTRIAL sewing machine $1500 nego795-6087 2 INDUSTRIAL Machines SI 2K obo For Both 923-0803 SINGER SEWING Mach In Wooden Cb $100 920-9554 SINGER Pfaff portable sewing mach 590 ea 738-0289 AN I Olt McAtA sew Meek tee: ly 1900 $360otto 4674791 SINGER SLANTOMATIC 403 in cab excel $175 292-9304 INDUSTRIAL JUKI 5550 $700 817-473-7265 F594 Musical instruments 61 FENDER Esquire original rosewood neck refinished body all original hardware keys pickup etc very light weight plays great 52200 after gpm 279:1944 GUITAR SHOW Amon Carter Hall Fort Worth Aug 7 8 9th Fri 4-8 Sat 10-6 Sun 10-5 Buy-Sell-Trade CLARINET BY Buffet prof model $895 Silver Bach cornet $500 Silver Bach strad trumpet $700 439-8704 GETZEN CAPRI coronet silver horn case Both like new New $695 Sell $495 181 7) 465-7253 YAMAHA ALTO SAX Excel cond $475 457-1918 80W CRATE stack $450 220W crate stack 8600 others (817) 731-8423 1965 FENDER Jazzmaster olympic white wmatching headstock $1850 496-6616 NORMANDY CLARINET used lyr $500 Bundy clarinet $100 297-2738 4 etch 300 each pet case 4687976 BACH STRAD Trombone 428 $1000 Yamaha Trombone YSL-682B $1200 738-3196 WOOD BUFFET clarinet for sale $550 Conn Alto Sax $500 446-7547 CASH FOR Fender Gibson Martin Marshall PRS etc guitars amps 447-1394 GALLEAN- KREUGER Base Amp complete sound syst violln (817) 4472654 SEVERINSEN silver trumpet $375 Vito Alto SAX $425 817-9263191 HORNS: SAX $500 Flute trumpet clarinet trombone S250 ea 800-835-0372 STUDENT TROMBONE case ex cond used 2 yrs $500 861-2796 ONE and Guitar by Leo Fender $695 One Line 6 ampS700 aft 5pm 483-4260 JUPITER ALTO Saxophone like new only used 5hrs $400 (817) 346-4606 AMER STD Tele 6mo 6400 Tascam Porta 7 like new in box $275 (817) 927-4668 MARSHALL JCM 800 $350 Crate 6chamtaimixer $300 926-1876 TENOR SAX Buescher 400 (Vintage) Excel cond $895 obo 795-1342 pgr 818-0088 MESA BOOGIE 50w all tube head S450 Marshall 4x10 cabinet S150 801-5753 NORMANDY 4 Clarinet 3 yrs old $475 (817) 329-5163 PEAVEY T-6Q Guitar Looks New Case 5350 285-9776 TROMBONE case good cond $200 577-5252 YAMAHA ALTO sax waccess like new $525 467-9956 ROWLAND XP-50 keyboard Best offer (817) 784-0914 STUDIO SALE: KB300 Alesis Rol ART etc 924-6455 CORNET LIKE New S300 (817) 292-2342 MARSHALL JMP-1 5450 (817) 459-0406 ROLAND XP-50 KEYBOARD Lthe New $975 735-8100 VITO ALTO Sax excel cond 5500 788-9693 FLUTE ARMSTRONG case good coed $275 379-5705 CD TAPE DUPLICATION Sales Service 461-0285 VIOLIN GERMAN bow case $375 obo 483-5059 TR 126 1131 Spkrs Like New S760pair Abe 640-3204 SIGNET CLARINET great coed S450 3293219 YTS-52 YAMAHA Tenor Sax almost new S1200581-2010 ALTO SAX wcase $450 297- 2514 or 878-8048 CLARINET BUFFET R13 like new 51500 485-0720 BAR I SAX Cout low Bb best offer excellent817-488-3283 BAND INSTRUMENTS guaranteed 428-2665 CLARINET YAMAHA 1 yr old ex cond $300 4578199 NICE OLD violin good cond $1050 267-6431 YAMAHA ALTO sax YAS23 black $800 232-0649 SCHOOL BAND instruments Music Teacher640-9620 BUNDY ALTO Sax $245 (254) 693-5819 ALES'S MASTER Reverb M1 DI 128 S250 801-3164 TRUMPET YAMAHA excel shape $200 3134107 KNELLING Cello 2 BOWS 51100 5574196 after 4pm YAMAHA 12 String Guitar good cond S200 472-8681 3 YR Old Holton Trombone Model TR602 S300428-5136 BASS GUITAR case metal SOL 19W $100 656-8116 VIOLIN FULLSIZE bow case $300 557-0305 STUDENT TRUMPET With case $200 292-7949 16" JACOB Horst viola German made $330 561-2360 MARSHALL 30WATT amp $200 (8171545-812 NICE SCHOOL Woodwind Brass Horns $200 923-9904 CLASSIC POP 78RPM 35 al- bums S45 249-1284 FIOLTOICI 1R158 Trombone exc cond $225 443-0385 VIOLIN 12 size bow case $249 557-0305 14 CHANNEL mixer p50 (817) 545-812 FENDER 60' issue Strat an-ow edition $250 595-0570 BUNDY CLARINET student model SI 50 obo 295-1136 YAMAHA 481 1 yr old $850 Call (817)491-1957 SILVER BLESSING Trumpet 6mos $750 (817) 277-1828 TAYLOR 4I4CE accous whsc mint $750 571-9616 ARMSTRONG ALTO Sax good for students 5240 295-1-136 VIOLIN WCASE how perf cond $99 (504) 4860441 FREDRICK SCHMIDT String Bass 51800 868-9985 BLESSING TROMBONE case exc cond 5180 237-6041 ACOUSTIC GUITAR Good Condition $150 735-4080 SAX: TENOR Alto Al) Price Ranges (817)431 8886 ALTO SAX wCase Exc Cond 5350 428-6651 4 STEAM WHISTLES and Whis-' tie Valves Wanted Collector0 Call Ron (281)218-6314 NROMMOOMMINSIOI ilartvgt CATTLE BARN Flea Market Barn I Will Rogers Complex Burnett-Tandy Dr Sat8-58Sun9-4 473-0505 i1 GARAGE: SALES F626 76020 7ou23 76071 7610 76107 76106 76108 7614:: 76114 76116 76120 7612 76131 76135 76179 la 76020 ESTATE SALE Sat Sun Furn antiCtues ilnanSt toots 1160 Nelson Rd Aze 76102: FREE clothing house hold items Free lunch llam-2pm Union Gospel 'r Mission 1331 Lancaster 76106 BIGGEST in Town' 2713 NW 20th Sat-Sun 76107 ARL Hgts Moving Sale 4836 Calmont Sat 912' Furn Antiques Irge ladies Esterytting must got hen housewr4 cogectibies ea Fol got NO eariy birds 4100 Valentine sto0 7607 EARLY BIRD Sale Sat' only 6am to 1 lam 5325 El Campo Girls' bike elect dryer Barbabie's Dream House and misc 76107 Fri 9-5 Sat 9-noon 5536 Pershing 76107 Multi-family sale lots of everything Sat 8-? 3911 White Settlement Rd near- Greenwood Cemetery 610 Kfkl suri ffs 3M13 Dexter Ave 15H 6101 blikt U4 eerfireld lot at the LINTHSC off Cirftob Ave No ear birds 76107: YARD Sale Thur-FriSat Aug 6-8 13-15 5900 76108 FRI-SAT 8716 Easley St Furn lots of stuff 8-5pm 76108 garagemoving sale 10408 10413 Blue Stem Ct Sat Aug 8th 8am- 76108: GARAGE Sale Sat 7-4 Lots of clothes household items 7840 Carina 76108 SAT-SUN (White Settlement) 126 Redford In 'V16i toYsibedding clothes lots mIsc 76108 SAT 8 REMODELING SALE Garden Window sliding glass door stove refirg othter remodeling items 10164 Buffalo Grove Rd '161o8 Oil farmers OA hen ails misc Fri-Sat tta 76111 Estate Sale 2813 Dal' sy Ln IttiosTri-Sat tote appliances clothing ieweintlanist 76111: RIVERSIDE 005 Bluets St FriSet eabp 76111 SALE Riverside Area 3016 Yucca Ave Aug 8 9 76111 SAT only 8am 2301' Marigold Oakhurst area 76111 Sat only 8-1 Lots of stuff 3115 Goldenrod 76111 2300 Aster Avenue Fri 6 to Ali Day Sat Sun 76114 CARPORT SALE: Estate items furniture baseball cards knives lewelery Fri-Sat 601 Oakiawn Drive 4624 Ohio Garden Rd fun'' household decorat tog clothes tools toys- 76114 furnclothese1c 5aSo 8-4 5504 Thomas Ln 761 3 4 04110 gait lots Of mise aft plants 3909 Otaa Garden Rd it (Sansom Park) 5809 Ridge id oft Fridny-Sat 7-12 An tiques Collectibles Cash only 7611 -471 i ea misc to Sek to much to list 5502 Crowley St 751-1-474T5NliffilfrKidlETIi: hies clothes Sat Sam 76114 5821 Tracy Or Car old records hitcher iterps lots more Sat Only 8-5 76116: CHRISTMAS IN August Garage Sale EXTRAVAGANZA This is the one you've been waiting for-something forem eryone Books holiday de cor camping outdoor equip knives designer crafts craft supplies fan spots clothing hsewares kitware trash compactor collectibles tools etc Many items newseldom used wwrotys Sat Sun 10am8 pm No early sales 3916 Linkcrest Dr West 76116 COURT Garage Sale 8- 6 3505 Wicklow Ct 76116 GRAD sale! 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Author: Kelle Weber

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Author information

Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.