朝陽地區 - 中英 – Linguee词典 (2024)

北京逸蘭 (新城國際) 服務式公寓位於繁華朝陽區務中 擁有景色優美的自然風景園,於北京鬧市中提供寧靜舒適的環境。


The residences are located in

[...] the central Chaoyang business district and feature [...]

a charming landscaped garden, creating


a quiet and serene ambience right in the CBD of Beijing.


其北朝陽區 盛名的三里屯VILLAGE綜合物業更名為「三里屯太古里」。


Swire Properties has chosen the new name of "Taikoo Li Sanlitun" for its prestigious Sanlitun Village mixed-use development in the Chaoyang district of Beijing.


佈休閒式商務酒店北京東隅正式落戶位於北 朝陽區 的頤堤港。


Swire Properties

[...] announces the launch of EAST, Beijing, a lifestlye business hotel, in INDIGO, Jiangtai, Chaoyang district.


預料負責建立擬議創意產 劃的經營者,將會利用具創意的手法經營有關中心,為 力。


The operator of the proposed creative industry landmark project was expected to adopt a creative approach in operating the centre so as to add vitality to the area.


另外,復康中心導師、普通眼科及低視能中心之視光師及暢道科技服務之同事,曾獲邀往深圳為國內復康工作者提供有關視障人士復康服務之相關知識及培訓技巧,以協助視障人士融入社會;去年,中央點字製作中心、普通眼科及低視能中心 朝陽 暨宿舍等之同事獲分別派往加拿大、美國、英國及台灣等地出席與工作相關之國際 地區 議,並於會上發表論文。


Instructors of the Rehabilitation Centre, optometrists of the General Eye and Low Vision Centre and staff members of the Barrier- Free Access Technology Services were invited to visit Shenzhen to conduct training courses for rehabilitation personnel of the Mainland to equip them with the necessary skills and knowledge to enhance the rehabilitation of the visually impaired, as well as their social integration in a barrier-free society.


與遠 股有限公司合作,由雙方各佔五成權益,於北 朝陽區 一個以零售作主導的綜合項目。


Swire Properties forms a 50:50 joint

[...] venture Sino-Ocean Land Holdings Limited to develop a retail-led mixed-use project in the Chaoyang District of Beijing.


(iii) 多元發展-九龍灣和觀塘將主要作寫字樓和商業用途,除了 通過毗鄰的啟德發展提供旅遊、體育和康樂設施外,我們亦 會考慮在九龍灣和觀塘區內的適 展其他用途,例如 臨街店舖、海濱咖啡座、設於碼頭的食肆和娛樂設施、遊艇 停泊區和水上活動設施,以增添 力,特別是在 辦公時間後為該區注入生氣。


(iii) Promoting Diversity – While KTD will provide tourism, sports and leisure facilities to a predominantly office and commercial use in Kowloon Bay and Kwun Tong, other uses such as street level shops, cafes by the waterfront, restaurants and entertainment uses at piers, marinas and water sports facilities may be considered for development at appropriate locations to enhance vibrancy, particularly after office hours.


三里屯太古里、即深入民心的北 朝陽區 屯VILLAGE,充分體現了太 國內市場量身訂造的創新品牌策略。


Swire Properties' Taikoo Li Sanlitun,

[...] formerly known as Sanlitun Village in Chaoyang District, Beijing, showcases the Company's [...]

innovative brand


strategy formulated specifically for the Mainland China market.


在 其成立短短兩個月內,合營公司已訂立首個發 展項目,在環渤地區城市 低密 度優質住宅組合。


Within two months of its formation, the joint venture entered into its first development project to develop a mix of high quality and low density residences in Shenyang, the strategic city in Pan Bohai Rim Region.


在明年特 區第一屆的區議會 成立後,我們 方向推動區域組織的發展,考慮如何 加地區 所扮演的角色,以及加強區議會的職 能。


After the commencement of the first term of District Councils of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region next year, we will work in this


direction to promote the

[...] development of district organizations, and consider ways to enhance the role of District Councils in district affairs and [...]

to strengthen their functions.


太古地產於二月宣佈與遠 股有限公司達成合營 協議,於北朝陽區 附近發展一個以零售用途為主 的綜合發展項目,雙方各佔半數權益。


In February, Swire Properties announced that it had entered into a 50:50 joint venture with Sino-Ocean Land Holdings Limited to develop a retail-led mixeduse project near Jiang Tai, in the Chaoyang district of Beijing.


相對的,亞地區 場如中國、日本和印度的新政策,則將刺激亞太地區有超過50%的成長,總需求在2013年達到11GW以上。


In contrast, new policies

[...] across leading PV countries in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region, led by China, [...]

Japan, and India, will


stimulate regional growth of over 50% and account for more than 11 GW of PV demand in 2013.


本 公 司 的 總 辦 事 處 位 於 中 國 遼 寧 省 瀋 河 大 街 227 號( 郵 編 : 110015 ), 本 公 司 在 香 港 的 主 要 營 於 香 港 皇 后 大 道 中 15 號 置 地 廣 場 告 羅 士 打 大 廈 8 樓 。


The head

[...] office of the Company is located at No. 227, Qingnian Street, Shenhe District, Shenyang 110015, Liaoning Province, the PRC, while the principal place [...]

of business of the Company in


Hong Kong is located at 8th Floor, Gloucester Tower, The Landmark, 15 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong.


4.17 就九項成功覓得財政資助以繼續提供服務的計劃,財政來源主要包 括:機構的內部資源、其他政府資助(如社會福利署(社署)的“奔 朝陽 ”及民政事務總署推行的“伙伴倡自強 計劃”)、提供 資助的非政府團體的贊助(如公益金)、服務收費或混合不同的財政來 源。


4.17 As regards the nine projects for which continuous funding has been secured, the sources of funding include internal resources of the organizations


concerned; other

[...] government funding (e.g. “奔向朝陽計劃” under Social Welfare Department (SWD) and “Enhancing Self-reliance through District Partnership Programme” [...]

under Home Affairs


Department (HAD)); sponsorship from non-governmental funding bodies (e.g. the Community Chest); service charges; or a mix of various funding sources.


於 2010 年內,除了向中華煤氣收購在遼寧省及浙江省的六個項目外,集團分別在江西省、遼寧省、

[...] 山東省和廣西壯族自治區共獲取八個新項目,包括山東省濰坊市臨朐縣、萊陽市南海新區,遼寧省 鞍山市工業新區、大連市旅順經濟開 朝陽 左縣,江西省九江市城東港區、撫州市撫北工 業園,以及集團首次於廣西壯族自治區投資的一個管道燃氣項目。


In 2010, in addition to the six projects acquired from HKCG in Liaoning and Zhejiang Provinces, the Group also secured eight new projects in Jiangxi Province, Liaoning Province, Shandong Province and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, including Linqu County of Weifang City and Nanhai New District of Laiyang City in Shandong Province, the New Industrial District of Anshan City, Lvshun Economic Development


Zone of Dalian City and

[...] Kazuo County of Chaoyang City in Liaoning Province, Chengdong Harbour District of Jiujiang [...]

City and Fubei Industrial


Park of Fuzhou City in Jiangxi Province, and Lingui New District of Guilin City, being the first piped gas investment project of the Group in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.


由於我們位處北半球 高緯地區及因 猛烈,本會建議加拿大成年人考 慮在秋冬期間服食維他命D補充劑。


Due to our northern latitude and because the sun’s rays are weak, the Society recommends that Canadian adults consider taking a vitamin D supplement during fall and winter months.


城 規會的指 引 是:“在顧 及 ‘ 防 患 未然’ 的


原 則及‘ 不 會 有 濕 地 淨 減 少 ’ 這個概 念 的

[...] 情況下,會考慮准 許發展 商,在 區 朝 的 土 地上, 進行有限 度 的 低 [...]

密度私 人 住 宅 / 康 樂發展 , 以 交 換 發 展 商


承諾對發展 地 盤 內 餘 下的魚 塘 長 期作出保 育 和管理 。


In that particular guidelines of the TPB, it is prescribed that "having regard to the precautionary principle and the 'no-net-loss in wetland' concept, the approach would allow consideration of limited


low-density private

[...] residential/recreational development at the landward fringe of the wetland conservation [...]

area in exchange for committed


long-term conservation and management of the remaining ponds within the development site.


首先,有關當局必須提供相關的表演及展示的 西九文 計劃確的方向發展。


First, the authorities concerned must provide


venues for performances and displays,

[...] and the West Kowloon Cultural District project is developing in the [...]

right direction.


在2007年11月16日,感謝香港警察機動部隊B連指揮官方安妮警司帶領旗下之香港警察機動部隊B連特警為「同一天空下 - 成長無障礙」- 視障智障人士發展計劃作慈善跑步,當日共有160位特警參與, 朝陽 之學員及舍友擔任「啦啦隊」,合共籌得約$80,000,以資助經濟有困難之視障智障朋友擔任「親善大使」,出席2007年7月在台灣舉行之「第五屆兩岸 服務研討會」,向兩岸 士分享他們突破生命障礙、奮發成長之故事。


A Charity Run led by Ms Annie Fonda, Superintendent of Police of the Police Tactical Unit (PTU) was successfully held on 16 November 2007. There were about 160 runners from PTU Bravo Team and around $80,000 was raised to support development services for the mentally handicapped blind.


除 此以外 ,政府更可爭 取 本 港獲認可的 基 金 在 亞 洲 區內取得區內通行證 ( Asian

[...] passport), 進一步 令 香港的基金 業 地 區 向發展。


Apart from this, the Government may even help recognized


funds in Hong Kong to obtain Asian passports, further leading the local fund

[...] industry to develop in the regional direction.


感謝方安妮警司於二零零七年義務發起『同一天空下』籌款活動,資助十 朝陽 暨宿舍學員、五位白普理之家舍友、一位樂悠居舍友、二位家長、三位義工和十一位職員合共三十二人,參與2008年7月11至16日在台灣舉行的研討會及文化交流活動,而“Cheers”樂隊更在歡迎晚宴中表演,獲得兩岸 讚賞。


With the kind assistance of Madam Annie Fonda, Superintendent of the Kowloon West Regional Police Headquarters, funds were raised for trainees and residents from MGCH, BH and JH to attend the Seminar together with 16 parents, volunteers and staff members from 11 to 16 July 2008.


朝陽 暨宿舍、白普理之家和樂悠居的學員及舍友積極參與「 節」、「家在石硤尾」 計劃、賽馬會創意藝術中心的藝術節等共融活動,推廣「積極人生」生活態度,社區人士對他們的才華和表演,健康的自我形象和活出「積極人生」的表現十分讚賞。


Residents of MGCH, BH and JH participated in Inclusive Arts Activities of the Arts for the Disabled Association to promote the positive image of MR Blind, while enhancing their sense of competence.


若仔細想想,人類其實非常仰賴每日地球面向 間,每天日落西山之後,眾人紛紛竄逃至安全處,日間街道車水馬龍,至夜間景象卻可能完全不同,民眾返回郊區後,商家關閉,燈光熄滅,街道開始令人恐懼,在我的故鄉南非開普敦裡,不 地區 努力,確保街上入夜不會杳無人跡,隆街即為一例,不過多數街道仍晚上仍一片死寂。


In my home city of Cape Town, there are a number of streets that do facilitate the presence of humans at night, most obviously Long Street, but most streets ‘shut down’, leaving no reasons for anyone to use them.


該發展項目座落於北朝陽區 ,設有一個時尚購物商場、一座甲級辦公樓、一間提供三百六十九間客房的休閒式商務酒店北京東隅及逾一千二百個停車位。


Located in Jiang

[...] Tai, in Beijing's Chaoyang District, the development [...]

comprises a trend-setting shopping mall, a Grade A


office tower, a 369-room lifestyle business hotel, EAST, Beijing, and more than 1,200 car parking spaces.


指使用 風能、生物質能、水能、潮汐能、浪 潮能及廢物能(包括 和污水氣體) 或港燈與政府日後互相議定的常存在及用之不竭(意 思是無須擔心儲備耗盡的問題)的其他能源來發電的 系統。


means an electricity generation system employing solar, wind, biomass, hydro, tidal, wave, geothermal, energy from waste (including [...]

landfill gas or sewage


gas) or such other energy sources that are secure and inexhaustible (in the sense that there is no problem of reserve being depleted) as may be mutually agreed by HEC and the Government in the future.


(二 ) 鑒於現時入境事務處(“入境處”)列明,申請來港就讀的簽 證安排,並不適用於部分國家地區( 柬埔寨及 越南等)的國民,過往3年,政府有否接獲該等人士的來港 [...]

就讀簽證申請;若有,被拒數字為何;政府會否考慮放寬 有關限制;若會,詳情為何;若否,原因為何;及


(b) given that at present, the Immigration Department (ImmD) specifies that the entry arrangement regarding application for studying in Hong


Kong does not apply to nationals of certain

[...] countries/regions (for example, Korea (Democratic Peoples' [...]

Republic of), Cambodia


and Vietnam, and so on), whether the Government had received visa applications from such persons in the past three years for studying in Hong Kong; if it had, of the number of applications rejected; whether it will consider relaxing the restriction; if it will, the details; if not, the reasons for that; and


在本届会议上,社会科学及人文科学委员会和自然科学委员会审议了 35 C/COM SC/DR.1 号文件所建议的决议(提案国: 比利时、玻利维亚多民族国、布基纳法 索、刚果 主主义人民共和国、丹麦、吉布提、多米尼加共和国、芬兰、冰岛、利比 亚、立陶宛、卢森堡、马达加斯加、新西兰、荷兰、挪威、帕劳、巴布亚新几内亚、波兰、 [...]



斯、哥斯达黎加、德国、哈萨克斯坦、拉脱维亚、黎巴嫩、马来西亚、摩纳哥、巴基斯坦、 所罗门群岛、苏里南和赞比亚),要求总干事利用教科文组织独有的跨学科背景,加强教科 文组织在气候变化问题上的专业能力。


During this session, the SHS and SC Commissions examined the resolution proposed in


document 35 C/COM SC/DR.1

[...] (submitted by: Austria, Belgium, Plurinational State of Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Congo, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Denmark, Djibouti, [...]

Dominican Republic,


Finland, Iceland, Libya, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Madagascar, New Zealand, Netherlands, Norway, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Poland, Portugal, Samoa, Senegal, Slovenia, Sweden, Tuvalu, Uruguay; co-sponsored by: Barbados, Costa Rica, Germany, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lebanon, Malaysia, Monaco, Pakistan, Solomon Islands, Suriname, and Zambia), requesting the Director-General to strengthen UNESCO’s specialized capacity on climate change, building upon UNESCO’s unique interdisciplinary profile.


位於北朝陽區 里屯VILLAGE由兩個相鄰小區組成,分別為南區(七十七萬六千九百零九平方呎總零售樓面及四百五十一個停車位)及北區(五十一萬九千三百九十九平方呎總零售樓面及四百一十個停車位)。


Sanlitun Village comprises two

[...] neighbouring sites in the Chaoyang district of Beijing, [...]

The Village South (776,909 square feet


of gross retail space and 451 car parking spaces) and The Village North (519,399 square feet of gross retail space and 410 car parking spaces).


朝陽地區 - 中英  – Linguee词典 (2024)
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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

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Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.