The Lexington Herald from Lexington, Kentucky (2025)

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Lexington, Kentucky

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QI 32 The Lexington Herald Lexington Ky Wednesday May 10 1972 Eight High Schools Are Upgraded To Highest Accreditation Level State Business Took Beating1 From Legislature Is Claim standard and 274 at basic A year ago 49 were classified as extended 546 as standard and 329 as basic Major Deficiencies There now are 145 elementary schools listed as which means a school with major deficiencies or one which does not have a principal and 75 per cent of its teachers with college degrees That total is two more than last year Also two schools were listed as They were Bluegrass in Fayette County and Melbourne Heights Tri-nable in Jefferson County The number of one-teacher public schools in Kentucky (his year dropped to 51 down from 73 last year and 853 in 1962 Asst State Supt Don Bale reported All 51 are in Southeastern Kentucky he said The number of two-teacher schools now is 33 down from 285 in 1962 and those with three teachers now number 30 down from 113 10 years ago he said both in Carter County Jessamine County Junior High Tal-ton Stone Junior High in Hardin County Covington Junior High and Bowling Green Junior High Another new school Union-town Junior High in Union County was accredited at the basic level Special Category Of 411 high schools 87 now are accredited at the comprehensive level 203 at the standard level and 111 as basic Three parochial schools in Jefferson County are in a special category called selective which is comparable to the comprehensive level in most respects but they do not have a few programs needed for that level Four schools are conditionally accredited at the emergency Cordia High in Knott County Ilustonvllle High and McKhiey High in Lincoln County and Augusta High in Bracken County Three new schools which do not yet have a senior class ire listed simply as They 'are Apollo High in Daviess County and Ormsby Village High and Louisville Junior Academy High both in Jefferson County Of the 1079 elementary schools in Kentucky having at least eight teachers- 57 now are accredited at the highest level of extended followed by 601 at By WILLIAM BRADFORD FRANKFORT Ky (AP) -The Kentucky State Board of Education upgraded eight high schools Tuesday to the highest accreditation level of comprehensive Three all in Jefferson County had a senior class for the first time this year and were ineligible for full accreditation until now They are Ballard Marion a Moore and Jesse Stuart high schools The others moved up to the first of three folly accredited categories were: Bullitt County Central High Estill County High Hart County High Marion County High and Heath High School in McCracken County Up A Notch Moved up a notch from basic to standard the next to the highest category were: Mount Washington Junior High in Jullitt County Millard High in Pike County Wolfe County ligh and Scottsville High in At en County Downgraded a step from bas-c to emergency was Augusta High In Bracken County Merit system ratings for outstanding programs went to Christian County High for music Montgomery County High for guidance and Danville High Boyle County for science New high schools accredited at the standard level were East Carter and West Carter High lfJrS V-K ernor came out for gutting the sales he said The reference was to Tom Emberton who last year called for removing the 5 per cent sales tax on food a position taken up by Democratic Gov Wendell Ford approved by the general assembly and scheduled to take- effect Oct 1 Watkins indicated the inevitable result was that the state had to search for other sources of income to make up the revenue loss such as from' a higher corporate Income tax which has been imposed Referring to a bitterly satirical letter he sent to all legislators in the final days of the session Watkins called it a -little tidbit that may have looked rash to you really we had nothing to lose by using Although such in approach always is risky Watkins said it might have helped in favorably amending an unemployment compensation bill passed on the final day The session at a Frankfort motel is one of several around the state to acquaint AIK members with a and future trends By ST RAMSET FRANKFORT Ky (AP) -The president of Associated Industries of Kentucky urged his colleagues Tuesday to help defeat legisclators harboring what he called an anti-business bias you see a consistent antibusiness tone coming Rayburn Watkins said would urge you to do a little candidate He made the remarks to a group of Frankfort businessmen without naming any lawmakers no point in voting for those who are 100 per cent against Watkins said going to make some thrusts at (them in next legislative Watkins said the AIK is not violating its political that is not telling members who to elect or distributing money to candidates we do think the time has come to really activate the interest you have in public he said Session Analysis In an analysis of the past session Watkins said truth of the matter is that the Kentucky business climate did take its first beating in 10 -The main thrust of new and added taxation he said was aimed at the business community However he added it would be to say that business climate has been destroyed had a real sharp edge going he said of that sharpness has been taken off by the Watkins said that if he had to the sorest spot for in the last session it would be in the area of compensation He said everyone knows that in general picks up the for Insurance payments of the coal industry while acknowledging that at least the coal operator are contributing a little more than previously under the new compensation act Criticizing the 4 per cent coal severance tax imposed under the new Democratic administration Watkins nonetheless reserved his sharpest words for the GOP camp think a lot of (our game plan) was lost when our last Republican candidate for gov Centre's Laurel Queen Choice The Center College student body has chosen 19-year old sophomore cheerleader Susan Neal of Jefferson County as a queen candidate in the annual Kentucky Mountain Laurel Festival at Pineville May 25-27 The brown-haired hazel-eyed coed who was Gardenia Queen last year is a graduate of Jeffersontown High School A sister Peggy is a medical technician at the University of Kentucky Medical Center Hospital in Lexington State Jaycee Head Endorsed For Post CORBIN Ky (AP) The Kentucky Jaycees have endorsed their president Jim Vernon for vice president of the national organization The election will be held the week of June 18 at Atlanta BC Students Set March To Protest War Policy Sears Now at Sears Items on Sate Now thru Saturday BEREA Ky Berea College students will stage a march at 12:30 pm today in protest to President Richard Nixon's policies in regard to the Vietnam War as announced in his address Monday night The student march planned by approximately 100 who met (m the campus Tuesday will start at the Alumni Building and proceed to Interstate 75 with a brief stop at the City Hall en route Black armbands will be worn by the marchers a spokesman for the students said Tuesday night students belt a prayer service for peace and also as a memorial to seven Berea College students who have lost their lives in the Vietnam War The service was led by the campus minister Father Henry Parker am participated in by students faculty staff and President Willis Weatherford During the service seven candles were lighted in memory of the seven Berea war dead Assorted Suits for only Administrator Of Harlan AR Hospital To Retire HARLAN Ky Robert Ei In the Army Medical Service Selwyn administrator of the Colonel Selwyn served in Burma China Japan the Panama Canal Zone Texas Colorado and Washington DC For five years preceding his retirement from the Army he was executive officer of Fitz-simmons Army Hospital Denver He was graduated with honors with the Army Medical Field Service School in 1939 and also attended the Command and General Staff College and the Federal Hospital institute Selwyn is a former president of the Kentucky Hospital Association and is a member the American College of fospital Administrators the American Hospital Association and the American Public Health Association Harlan Appalachian Regional Hospital win retire May 31 after more than 13 years as head of the non-profit regional health care center The Board of Trustees of ARH health care system in a resolution congratulated the' 68-year-old Selwyn on his record as administrator and expressed the snd everlasting for his services to ARH and residents of the Harlan area The' Harlan health center second largest in the ARH system of nine hospitals contains a 179-bed hospital a 50-bed extended care facility a office building occupied by the Daniel Boone Clinic and the ARH School of Professional Nursing The hospital also has a residency program for training medical specialists in general surgery anatomic pathology and family medicine In addition it maintains programs for training nurse anesthetists laboratory assistants hospital chaplins and licensed practical nurses Selwyn Joined the staff March 5 1958 and became its administrator on Nov 21 1958 Selwyn cams to Harlan after a career of 29 years in the US Army Medical Service from which he retired with the rank of colonel on Feb 28 1958 Sears has done it again! a limited selection of 100 polyester knits and dacron and wool suits at a really amazing low price a great time to buy and try the cool comfort of the knit fabric that with your every move and like a second skin or you may prefer the year-round comfort of dacron and wool at this amazing low price Jmt Say Charge It 99 Estill School Head's Trial Postponed IRVINE Ky (AP) Estill i bounty school Supt Buford trial on three counts of an indictment was postponed Tuesday until Sept 19 because of a defense absence Horton is charged with misappropriating public property attempted bribery and being present when the board of education voted on his contract and salary The date was set by Special Judge Douglas Graham of Campton who was assigned to the case after Circuit Judge Earl Ashcraft and Ally Mart Mainous disqualified them selves Both are defendants in a civil suit filed by Horton Acting as special prosecutor was Paul Hieronymous Total-Comfort Fashion Shirts Save $203 Regular 700 Hearing Set In Madison On Drug Count RICHMOND Ky A 20-year-old Richmond man is scheduled to appear In Madison County Court at 9 am Friday on a charge of illegal sale of dangerous drugs Charles Michael Mullins was arrested at his Collins Street residence about 4:30 pm Monday by State Police Detective George Mayberry and other state troopers Mullins was lodged in the Madison County Jail and later released on $5000 bond Fire Guts TV Store In Mercer i vr 50 off Sears Crew Socks Regular 150 ea Pair HARRODSBURG Ky Fire caused several thousand dollars loss early Tuesday morning when it gutted TV Service Store at the Intersection of PcrryviUe Road (US 68) and the Dry Branch Road near the city limits Mrs Garnett Carey wife the owner said a passing motorist whose name was no learned notified her and her husband that the store was on fire The Careys lived next door to the store When county firemen arrived it was too late to save anythin and the store was gutted ant the roof caved in leaving the walls standing Nothing was reported savet Junction City Sets Cleanup JUNCTION CITY Ky The annual cleanup week in Junction City hss been scheduled for May 22-26 and plans to dean up the town cemetery were set for Saturday May 20 by the City Council A city truck will he utilized to pick up trash here during the five-day period after residents have placed their debris on the curb in containers Mayor Jerry High Jr said Reap all the benefits and comfort of a nice shirt at en amazing low price Sears has an exciting new collection of short sleeve styles in easy-care comfort fabrics that are light cod and comfortable and need little or no Ironing when machine washed and tumble dried Smart stripes patterns or prints in trim regular styling Get in on (he good looks at Sears In tint Men' I Sion Main Floor Popular Colors One Size Fits All Popular Crew Style rat volunteers wiU work at the from store included In tin Junction City Cemetery May 20 loss were a number of new and SHOP AT SEARS AM) SAVE SalUfactlon Guaranteed or Your Money Back torn Open Monday thru Saturday 4 Sears Fayette Mali 3333 Mcholaiville Rd to clean it up for Memorial Day lie pointed out that last year 25 persons assisted in this work used television sets tape players and home player units Origin of the fire was not known.

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The Lexington Herald from Lexington, Kentucky (2025)
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Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.