Tuesday, July 22, 1930. CLASSIFIED ADS -ANDBUSINESS LINERS. CLASSIFIED AD RATES: One-time ad, per word 2c ad, per word 3c Four-time ad, per word 4c 8ix-time ad, per word 5c month, per word Minimum charge on any ad ANNOUNCEMENTS. AUTOMTIVE. EMPLOYMENT.
WANTED. FOR RENT FOR One furnished apartment and several furnished bed rooms. Close in. See MIRS. ROSE KEY.
Phone 263. FOR room apartment. Modern. ('lose in. See AIRS.
BEN F. BRIGGS, 210 West Water street. FOR nice four room apartment, bath, storeroom and enclosed porch. Next to my residence, North Street. H.
J. WRIGHT. BUSINESS SERVICE ADDRESSING ENVELOPESWork at Home during spare time. Substantial weekly pay; experience unnecessary. Digni red employment for honest.
sincere, ambitious persons. AI)VANCEMENT LEAGUE, NAPERVILLE, ILL. CARS WASHED and greased $1. AUTO BEAUTY SIIOP, North Sixth street. IF IN NEED of a water well see ROBERT L.
CONNER, 901 De. pot street. HAT your hat troubles to mo. Old hats made to look new. New hats made to order.
ADA ORR. 111 North Seventh street. Phone 612. 'TAXIE SERVICE--To any address in Detroit. Bus connections with Akron And other Round trips weekly.
For reservations or information telephone 63. Fred A. Thompson, 331 1 East Broadway. WANTED WANTED. Stenographic work.
Address BOX E. L. care Messenger. experienced in house-to- house demonstration, to work in Mayfield. ADDRESS K.
FOR SALE FOR 011 my farm miles north of Mayfield 011 1'a- ducah highway. MRS. KENTON GRACE. FOR Herrick refrig. erator, 100-Ih capacity, $10.
Ono Herrick refrigerator, good as new, 75 lb. $25. One Herrick refrigerator, good as new, 50 $20. J. II.
SINGLETON, Kentucky-Tennessee Light Power Co. FOR kitchen cabinet in good condition. Cheap if sold at once. See AIRS. F.
C. AKIN, East North street. FOR House and two acres 12 block of highway 15 at Hickory. Phone 3466-J, or write OWEN GREEN, Paducah, Ky. MARKETS MARKETS sorted lambs to city butchers one lot 10.50: sales to packers mostly.
9.006 9.25; conmon throwouts steady at 1.50. Close DAIRY AND PRODUCE current receipts 17-18. CHICAGO, July firm; creamery extras standards 35; extra firsts 33-34; firsts 31-32; seconds 28-30. eggs 20,911, firm; extra firsts 23; fresh graded firsts 22; fresh current receipts 19-204; ordinary CINCINNATI, O. July 21-(P) Poultry, colored broiiers 1 1-1 lbs.
and over 22: 11; lbs. and Over 31; 2 lbs. and over leghorn broilers 1 1-1 lbs. and over 23; colored fryers 3 Ils. and over 27; roosters 13; fowls 5 lbs, and over 20; 3 aud 4 lbs.
and over 19; leghorn fowls 3 lbs. and over 16: ducks 8-12; turkeys, hens old and young toms 23: crooked breasted 15; geese 5 to Butter, creamery 33 to 36; No. 1 packing stock 26: No. 2 80; No 3 15; butterfat 31 to 33. Eggs, extra firsts 23; firsts 20; seconds 10; nearby ungraded 20.
Potatoes, steady; Kentucky cobblers 100) lb. bags 2.00; Kansas and Missouri cobblers tv0 lb. bags 1.75; Virginia cobblers barrel lots 3.50. NEW YORK, July 21-(A) PoulButter firmer. Creamery, higer than extra 037c; extra (92 score) 36; firsts (BS to 91 score packing stock current make No.
1 No. Cheese steady. State, whole milk flats, fresh, fancy fancy special 2541 26c. NEW YORK, July 21(A) try dressed firm; chickens fresh 25 frozen 2061 35c; fowls, fresh or frozen old roostOrS fresh turkeys fresh frozen 32041c; ducks fresh 170150. 'NEW YORK, July 21 firm mixed colors regular extras extra firsts 21c; firsts 210 seconds medium firsts 18019c; nearby hennery brown extra 270280; extra firsts 247 24c.
Nearby and nearby western heny white closely selected eXtra ditto average extra 28(0300: Pacific coast not quoted. NEW YORK July Poultry live irregular. Broilers by express 20435. Roosters by press, 16; turkeys, express, 204:25. THE FEARFUL MOTH FLY MOSQUITO ROACH DED BUG FLEA LOUSE FLY TOX KILLS THEM ALL THE MAYFIELD MESSENGER PAGE SEVEN TILLY THE TOILER.
By GEORGE McMANUS HOW MANY TIMES BUT I WOZNT THAT OFFICE HEY YOU' BOY WILL DRIVE MUST I TELL YOU NOT ORKIN'. AR ME MAD WITH HIS COME HERE! TO WHISTLE JIGGS' 741 WHILE YOU'RE WORKIN' 3 00 1930. Int'l Feature Service. Inc. 7 22 Great Britain rights reserved Early Period Furniture Seen in Fine Reproductions Ross Crane, famous authority on interior decorating, picked Miss Ann Lee Pennington of Cincinnati, above, to represent the early Americap period, in a recent exhibit of Barkey and Gay furniture.
WESTERN KENTUCKY EXCELLENT FOR SCIENTIFIC EXPLORATIONS OF TYPES Dr. W'. 1). Punkhouser head of the department of Zoology, University of Kentucky, has just left the university to explore pro. historic sites in Western Kenlucky for the departmeut of thropology and archacology of the University of Kentucky.
lunkhouser will be in the field! doing this work of importance to scientists until the opening of the! University in September. The operations will be carried! 011 largoly in lendersou, t'rittenden and Trigg counties, where various types of probistoric! mounds and ancient village sites, have been reported. It is hoped. that further evidence may be tained regarding 1110 famous P'reSiouan culture which WitS Aliscovered in Logan county last summor and which has attracted wide attention. The Logan county site sicided the frat cremations ever found in Kentucky and the discovery there of enormous cOltmunity crematory pits and charnel houses filled with burned human bones has furnished the subject for a recent monograph.
The state of Kentucky is rapidly becoming famous through the work of these University sciontists in excavating repositories of evidence of pre Columbian civiliction 114l the archaologists holieve that this state is richer than In the Valley of the Nile The goddess Isis was credited by ancient Egyptians with being the discoverer of wheat. Even in this day an angel food cake made with Omega Flour is called heavenly! OMEGA FLOUR AC COLES OMEGA HIGHEST PATENT Dr. Frank F. Happy Dentist Corner 7th and South Sts. Office Phonc No.
41. Residence Phone No. 45, Ethylenc Gas or Local Anesthesia for the Removal of Tecth X-ray Diagnosis. 1 1 ducks, express 22: others not quoted. MARKETS AT A GLANCE Stocks close weak attor small recoveries in afternoon dealings from the early selling wave JUSterday.
Bond drift lower; rails in £1111- ply. Curb works irregularly lower on selling of loaders. Chicago stocks quiet and mixed Call money holds at renewal. of 2 per cent. Wheat breaks 2 1-1 to cents 011 pressure and selling; corn and oats lower.
('otion futures Lieak more than $1.50 a bale 011 drastic weakness in July positions. Council Proceedings. The Board of Council met inf gular session in 1 he Council Chamber of the City Hall July 21. 1930. There were present W.
T. Vaughan, Mayor, and the following members of the Board: W. W. Robertson, E. C.
Reynolds, J. B. Porter, W. C. Pitman.
M. I. Jetfrey and I. M. Johnson, also Aubrey Hester, City Attorney; J.
C. Byrn Chief of Police, and Juo. W'. Hates. City Clerk.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read. approved and signed by the Mayor. The following claims were allowed and ordered paid: TI. A. l'etter Supply ('o.
Fire Dept $3.00 J. C. Byrn, Killing 9 dogs G.75 Ed Mohundro Co. Office Supplies 15 K. E.
Mills Labor. 18.00 M'yfld Bar. Store st. dept. 13.39 Il.
King labor 15.00 Building permits were granted as follows: Jewel Turner, Cleveland street to repair dwelling and garage, frame, and cover with approved roof, J. F. McAtce, South Sth street. to repair roof with wood shingles not to exceed 25 per cent of roof. B.
S. Hunt, corner 6th and 111- diana ave, to erect al double gilrage 20 by 20, brick veneer. crete floor and cover with asphalt roof. estimated cost $100. Dr.
Hurt, North Sth street 10 remodel dwelling, brick veneer, installing Vapor heat and reconstructing the inside, estimated cost $1.000. J. C. Emerson, South 2nd. street, to repair roof with composition shingles.
On motion of W. W. Robertson seconded by J. B. Porter and the yea vote of the entire Board, ill ordinance was adopted levying and advalorem tax for the year 1930 said ordinance (ill be found recorded in ordinance hook: No.
4. page 186. City Attorney Aubrey lester was continned a committee to 400 after the soot and cinder annoyances from the smoke stack of the water and light plant. There being l10 further business the Council adjourned. W.
T. VAUGIAN. Mayor. JNO. W.
BATES, ('lerk Summer Vegetable Dishes By The JOSEPH Hotel, BOGGIA, New Chef York City Plaza the glorious season fresh vegetables are and inexpensive, it the conscientious make the most of her Not only because they are among the most delicious of nature's many gifts, but because they contain 80 many of the elements vital to health, fresh vegetables should form an important part of every family's summer menu. Serve them in the standard ways, of course, after a while TOW, in when abundant clearly behooves housewife to opportunities. Chef Boggia even the tastiest vegetable is likely lose some of its appeal unless variation is introduced into the method of preparation. Watch for Dew recipes, and with this combine a wise use of the three fundamental vegetable seasalt and sugar. last, without being noticeable in the finished dish, restores the garden awyetness the vegetable begins to lose as 8000 as it is picked.
The woman who understanda the use of these seasoner8 the most important secret of vegetable cookery. Carrots and Peas with MintBoil together for five minutes two cups cooked, diced carrots, one cup cooked peas, and one small bunch of mint. Drain and add salt, pepper and one heaping tablespoon butter. Sprinkle lightly with sugar and set in the oven until the sugar melts. Just before serving garnish with mint leaves.
Corn Louisenne Simmer for five minutes in one and 8 half cups whole milk, two cups of corn freshly cut from the cob. Add salt to taste, one fourth teaspoon paprika, one teaspoon sagar, and two table spoons batter. Line aballow dish with thin slices of hot, buttered toast. Pour in the mortare. Lay strips of crisply cooked bacon over the top and garnish with sprigs of parsley.
Peas and Onions- Cook separately, until tender, one and a halt cups shelled peas and one- half cup little onions. Heat four poons thick cream 1a 8 saucepan. Add the peas and onions. Shake lightly until well covered with the cream and very hot. Add one-fourth tea spoon sugar.
Mix thoroughly and serve. Refresh Yourself at Our Fountain The Most Modern FountainThe Most Convenient Location The Most Delicious DrinksThe Most Appreciative Service. EVANS DRUG CO. THE REXALL STORE, any other in the Mississippi valiCy. At the close of the second torn 01 the summer session Dr.
Funkhouser will be joined in the field by T'rotessor W. S. Webb, and they will work together for the rest ol the summer. Protessor Webb has just returned from a six woks' exploring trip in Molle where tie excavated 31 large number of rock shelters and discovered many valuable facts retarding the lives of the ancient reopies who once inhabited these shelters. Among other interesting finds were skeletons many hundreds 01 years oft Did the remains 01 deerskin moccasins and types of flints atid pottery 110t previously known in the state.
The University is preparing to model the old library building into a museum in which the interesting material which Professors Funkhouser and Webb have in recent soars will be displayed. This display will incide atone- graves and skeletons tts well is the thousands of arrow-heads, flint knives. nos, gorgets, bannerstones, pottery vessels and other artifacts which they have found in Kentucky. Professor Funkhouser is Dill'ticularly interested in the 811- thropological material and is making a study of the skulls amid other parts of the skeletons the prehistoric Inhabitants "of the state. 01: A Hargrove Improves.
Furnished by Toof Toof Paducah, Ky. Tuesday, July 22. WheatOpen High Low Close Sept. 017 July 873 Doc. 9614 973 Corn" Sept.
79 79 Dec. July 'Cotton-Now YorkMay ....13.51 13.60 13.43 13.58 Oct. 13.32 13.13 13.20 unchanged. Stocks. Standard OilKentucky.
32 Indiana New Jersey 73 Kansas 3312 Naw York American Tobacco 1. N. I. ('. R.
R. Southern P'acific General Motors Chrysler Overland Eastman General Electric 71 Dul'ont Coca Cola Westinghouse Electric Studebaker American Tel. Tel. ............216 Liggott Myers 94 Remington Rand. Anaconda Copper 49 P'.
Lorillard Drugs, Inc. 75 Baton Axle 25 Paramount Publex 60 Briggs Mfg. Viupmobile Radio Corporation 4: Atlantic Refining Canadian Marconi 5 City Service 01 Warner Bros. Pictures Barns Dall A. American Int.
Corp. National Power Light P'ub. Serv. N. J.
Int. Tel. Tel. Commonwealth U'nited Gas Sinclair Oil Gas Elect. ST.
LOUIS LIVESTOCK. Receipts. Price. 9.50; 15 lower. LIVESTOCK EAST ST.
LOUIS, July 21. S. D). -Hogs 000; market slow, uneven, open 25 lower; later bids off considerably more: bulk unsold: SOWS steady to 10 lower; early sales 130 to 220 pounds 9.5069.73; few 250 to 273 pounds 8.85619.00; 100 pounds pigs 9.25: few 250 1.0 pounds 8.8509.00; 100 pounds Digs 9.25; SOWS 7.106 7.75. Cattle calves 3.000; lightweight native steers steady; westen steers native beef cows slow; mixed cutters steady: sausage bully 25 or more lower; vealers 25 to 50 lower; a few native steers 8.00 4 9.15; Fat yourlings heifers vealers 25 to 50 lower: cutters.
steady; sausage bulls 25 or heifers 8.00 up; low. cutters 3.00@3.6.: modin bulls 6.25 down; good and choice vealers 10.00 010.25. Sheep fat lambs 10 city butchers steady; packers bought 25 to 50 lower; closely Wilson and Marvin Hargrove, pl Akron. aro visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
William Hargrove. south of Farmington. Mr. Hate grove has been quite ill, but is reported to he much impored. survey in southern Calfornit indicates that every tenth visitor.
becomes a permanent Urban sportsmen of California fly 600 miles to Sierra Nevalla mountain fishing spots. KILLS RATS and mice--that's RAT-SNAP, the old reliable rodent destroyer. Comes in cakes--no mixing with other food. Your money back' if it fails. 35c size-1 cake--enough tor Pantry, Kitchen or Cellar.
65c size-2 cakes--for Chicken House, coops, or small buildings. $1.25 size-5 cakes--enough for all farm and out-buildings, storage buildings, or factory Sold and guaranteed by Lamkin and Carter Drug Co. Velvet Oil Mops $1.50. None Better Few So Good. LAMKIN "The Grocery With The Hardware Hobby." FIRESTONE, OLDFIELD Gum -Dipped Tires and Tubes.
New Low Prices Effective June 20. 30 4.50 $6.45 28 4.75 $7.65 30 5.00 $8.30 FIRESTONE SPECIAL. (Buffed) -While They Last30 4.50 $5.95 29 1.50 $5.95 30 5.00 $7.75 ME. ME. WILLIAMS MOTOR CO.
Sth and North Sts. Phone 122..