Yuen Long town in Northwest New Territories, Hong Kong - 英中 – Linguee词典 (2024)

There is at present no salt water supply system to provide salt water for flushing to Tuen Mun


East areas1 , Yuen Long – Tuen Mun Corridor

[...] areas2, Tin Shui Wai and Yuen Long Town in Northwest New Territories (NWNT).


目前,新界西北區屯門東部地區1 、元朗-屯門走廊地區2 、天水圍朗市並沒有提供海水作沖廁用途 海水 供水 系統。


(a) As outlined in the "Waste Disposal


Plan" and the White

[...] Paper "Pollution in Hong Kong A time to Act", the long-term waste disposal strategy of Hong Kong requires the provision of a refuse transfer station along the Yuen Long-Tuen Mun corridor to transport the waste arisings from the Northwest New Territories (NWNT) to the [...]

West New Territories


(WNT) Landfill in a cost-effective and environmentally acceptable manner.


(a) 正如「廢物處理計劃」及白皮書「對抗 染莫遲疑 」所 香港的 長遠 廢物處 理策略,在元朗至屯門走廊 途㆗設立廢物轉運站,俾能以符合經濟效益及環 境標準的方式,將新界西北部產生 的廢物,運 往新界 西堆 填區。


Four of the development options in the consultation digest have touched on several important transport


projects, including

[...] the trunk route in Black Point, Tuen Mun, linking up Zhuhai and Shekou, an expressway from Yuen Long to the new airport via Tuen Mun and a railway network serving the northwest New Territories, Lok Ma Chau, Yuen Long town centre, Tin Shui [...]

Wai, Tuen Mun town centre and Lantau North.


在諮詢文件的其㆗ 4 個發展選擇㆗,都分別提到幾項重要的運輸系統計劃,包括屯門 爛角咀分別連接珠海及蛇口的幹線、由元朗經屯 機場 的快 速公路、 貫通 新界西北、市區、㆝水圍、屯 市區 至大 嶼山北部的鐵路系統等等。


The “Territorial Land Drainage and Flood Control Strategy Study – Phase II”, completed by the Drainage Service Department in 1993, recommends a series of river


training works to alleviate the

[...] flooding hazard in the North West New Territories, including the south of Yuen Long Town.


渠務署在 1993 年完成的「全港土地排水及防洪 策略研究-第 II 期」建議進行一連串河道治理工程 新界 西北 ( 包元朗巿部) 的水浸威


The northwest New Territories sewerage scheme, also under construction at a cost of $1.25 billion, will provide essential sewage


treatment and disposal

[...] facilities for the northwest New Territories via new sewerage in Yuen Long development areas and Tin Shui Wai new town; this sewerage [...]

scheme is scheduled


to begin operation by the end of 1992.


至於耗資 12.5 億元的新界西北區污水收集計劃,有關 的興建工程亦已在進行㆗,這項污水收集計劃將可 元朗 發展 區及 ㆝水圍 新鎮的新污水收集系統,新界西 部提 供必需的污水處理及排放設施。


I really do not understand why both Route 3 and

[...] the proposed Northwest New Territories Railway must end at Yuen Long, while the transport [...]

needs of the


450 000 people of Tuen Mun are being ignored.


我實在不明白,為 何㆔號幹線及西北鐵路皆以元朗區 為終 點站,而屯門 45 萬居民的交通需求卻被置諸 不理?


As mentioned by Ms Audrey EU just now, some of these organizations are the Hong Kong Survey and Research Centre on Hong Kong Island, the Hong Kong Election Strategy and Research Centre in the Southern District, the Hong Kong Development


Research Institute in

[...] Kowloon, the Hong Kong Community Research Centre in New Territories East, the Social Issues Survey Association in New Territories West and the Community Research Association in Yuen Long and the Outlying [...]



余若薇議員剛才也讀出了一些:港島區有香港 調查研究中心;南區有香港選舉策略研究中心;九龍有香港發展研 新界香港社區中心新界西 社會 事務 調查 會; 元朗和 島有社 區研究協會。


With the imminent commissioning of the Beijing-Kowloon Railway and the completion of the electrification of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen Railway,


the Government must

[...] act promptly in laying down a timetable governing the progress of construction of the Northwest New Territories Railway, which will have a significant bearing on the long-term economic development of Hong Kong, and make appropriate [...]

financial arrangement for it.


既然京九鐵路通車,以及 廣深鐵路電氣化的完成日子,已迫在眉睫,政府也必須當機立斷,立即訂立興建對港長遠經濟發展有重大影響西 路的 進度 時間表,並作出適當的財務安排。


MR DANIEL LAM (in Cantonese): President, some members of the public have relayed to me that quite a number of traditional community


events in various

[...] districts in the New Territories, such as the Cheung Chau Bun Festival and the Tin Hau Festival Parade in Yuen Long, are very popular among members of the public in Hong Kong, and have even [...]

become one of the


selling points used by the Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB) in promoting Hong Kong to other places.


林偉強議員: 主席,有市民向本人反映,新界各區有不少傳統地區活動 (例如長洲的太平醮和元朗的會 景巡 )都深 受香港市 民歡 迎,甚至香港 旅遊發展局(“旅發局”)向外地宣傳香港的賣點之一。


These included: (a) according priority for the Cantonese opera sector in staging performances at the Sha Tin Town Hall and the Tuen Mun Town Hall under the "Venue Partnership Scheme"; (b) implementing LCSD's "priority venue hiring policy for Cantonese opera performance" in the KST; and (c) reserving time


slots at major

[...] performing arts venues in the urban areas and the New Territories (including City Hall, Hong Kong Cultural Centre, Kwai Tsing Theatre, Sha Tin Town Hall and Tsuen [...]

Wan Town Hall) for


priority hiring by Cantonese opera troupes.


該等措拖包括:(a) 按照"場地夥伴計劃",粵劇界如在沙田大會堂及屯門大會堂舉行演 出,可獲優先提供檔期;(b)康文署在高山劇場實施"粵劇演出優先 租場政策";及(c)在大型的市新界 場地(包 括大 堂、香 港文中心、葵青劇院、會堂 及荃 灣大會堂),預留演期供 粵劇團體優先租用。


As regards the supporting transport

[...] facilities in Hong Kong, we have just completed a review of the traffic and transport infrastructure in Northwest New Territories. We have fully considered the impact of the Shenzhen Western Corridor and the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge on Northwest New Territories, and we have [...]

also considered other


projects which are in progress or proposed to be implemented in Northwest New Territories and on Lantau, including various tourism and logistics development projects.


於在香 港 運輸的配 套 方 面,我們剛 新界西北交及運輸基 討 , 全 面考慮了 港 西 通 道 新界西地區響,慮 了其他在新界西北及大 嶼山正在施工及擬 議發展的項 目 , 包括各項旅遊及物 流 發展項 目。


On the use of seawater instead of fresh water for toilet flushing, we have


planned to extend the

[...] present supply network in metropolitan areas and most new town areas to Pokfulam, Yuen Long and Tin Shui Wai.


至於以海水取代淡水作沖廁用途,我們計劃把現在覆市區的沖廁海 水供應網絡,擴大至薄 、元朗天水圍。


In fact, as noted in the Government's Railway Development Study, if a


railway is built from

[...] Tin Shui Wai in Yuen Long and connected to West Kowloon via a Northwest Corridor tunnel, travel time from northwest New Territories to the near suburbs [...]

can be cut to about 20 minutes.


事實㆖,港府所作的鐵路發展研究報告㆗亦指出, 以鐵 統從 元朗 ㆝水 圍穿西北部走廊隧道,接駁至西九龍, 可縮 新界 西 部至 近郊的交通時間至 20 分鐘左 右。


In view of the anticipated increase in


population, we anticipate that the provision of a new

[...] sports centre in Yuen Long New Town would be welcomed [...]

by local residents.


鑑於預計人 口會繼續增加,我們預 新市鎮 興建 新體 館, 會深受區內居 民歡迎。


I said that the

[...] development density of Hong Kong was very much polarized. For example, the plot ratio in the urban area is 5 to 6, and that in Yuen Long town area may be 5 [...]

to 6 or 6 to 7, but


that of the rural land beside the road just across the Yuen Long highway is 0.5 or 1.


有一次,我很大膽向局長提出,但她好像不喜 ,便 是我們的 發展 密度的做法是非常極端的, 區地 積比 率是5 6,元朗市區的比率 可能是5至 6或 6至 7,一旦過了元朗高速公路,馬路旁的鄉郊地方則是0.5 或 1。


a) the provision of public sewerage at Ngau Tam Mei, San Tin,


Pat Heung, Kam Tin, Lau

[...] Fau Shan and Yuen Long South in Northwest New Territories, b) an effluent [...]

pumping station and rising mains from the existing


(a) 在新界西北的牛潭尾、新田、八鄉、錦田、流浮南提供共污水收集系統


(TM-CLKL) and Tuen Mun Western Bypass

[...] (TMWB) to connect Northwest New Territories (NWNT) with Lantau in order to cope with the anticipated traffic demand in NWNT and enhance the overall efficiency of the transport network of Hong Kong.


我們有需要建造屯門至赤鱲角連接路及屯門西繞道 連接 新界西 北和大嶼以應付新界西北的 預期交通需要,並 提高 香港交 通網的整體效率。


Notwithstanding, Transport Department would closely monitor the situation and plan


for necessary improvement works to meet

[...] the increased traffic generated by further developments in Yuen Long Town South.


儘 管 如 此 , 運輸署會密切監 察有關情況,並 就所需 的 改 善 工程作出規 劃 , 以 應元朗南進一 步 發 展所帶 來 的交通 長。


If we can make rapid progress in those discussions, conceivably a little more rapid


progress than we have been

[...] able to make in, for example, the case of the airport, then the Administration would welcome it and we could get on as rapidly as possible with the development of the sort of railway system which the whole of Hong Kong needs, not least the inhabitants of the northwest New Territories, Tseung Kwan [...]

O and other parts of the territory.


因此,如果我們在這方面的商討能取得快速的進展,譬如說可以稍快於機場問 題的進展,政府將會感到很高興,而我們亦可盡速 進行 港所 的鐵 路系統發展 尤其 西、將軍澳及本港其他㆞ 區的 所需 要的 鐵路系統。


Secondly, there is ongoing dialogue with the bus companies to provide feeder services to the more remote parts of the New


Territories, and we shall also

[...] work with the Hong Kong Ferry Company to expand ferry services to the outlying islands and the northwest New Territories.


其次,當局正不斷與巴士公司洽 商,以期為新界較偏遠㆞區提供接駁服務。我們亦 香港 油麻 ㆞小 輪公司合作,擴 展渡輪服務新界西北各


We know that in the next five to 10 years, economic development in southern China will drastically boost the


freight volume

[...] between China and Hong Kong and the traffic problems in northwest New Territories will further [...]



我們知道在 未來 5 至 10 年內,華南㆞區的經濟發展會令到㆗ 港之間 的貨 激增 新界 西北的通問題會愈來愈嚴重。


Accordingly, districts in Northwest New Territories as well as Hong Kong Island have more [...]

rationalisation proposals, while


individual rationalisation proposals are also proposed for most of the other districts to improve network efficiency as well as traffic and environmental conditions.


西 及 港 島 的地區會有較 多 的路線 重 整建議;我 們 亦 有 就大部 分其他地區提出個別的 重 整建議,以 提 升 巴 士 網 [...]

絡 效 率 及 改善交通情況及環境。


Besides, the Administration is actively


studying the construction of

[...] the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Western Corridor, which will cross the Deep Day and connect Ngau Hom Shek, Yuen Long of Northwestern New Territories with Shekou of [...]



此外,政府又積極研究興建一條 深港西部通道”,橫跨后海灣及連 新界西北元朗鰲 磡石 和深蛇口地區,並設 管制 站以 應付不斷增加的 過境車輛流量。


If these factors are all considered together, I believe


economic and transportation benefits will

[...] be brought to Hong Kong as a whole, in particular to Northwest New Territories.


所以在 這 數方面的 因 素 獲得一 併 考慮時,我相信 香港整體, 特界 西 北 區 帶 來 經濟和 交 通各方面的利益 。


(e) The dry-weather flow interceptor proposed in the


feasibility study report of the

[...] “Rehabilitation of Yuen Long Town Nullahs” completed in 2009 will help [...]

reduce channel blockage due to rubbish and debris.


(e) 2009 年完成的「改善及美化元朗內防洪 渠」 可行性研究報告中建議的 旱流堵截設施,將有助減少雜物堵塞河道的情況,渠務署在進行初步設計 [...]



In this respect, it

[...] should be borne in mind that there are other ways and other measures which are now being taken so that transport needs from the town centre and northwest New Territories can be facilitated.


就這方面而言,我們應緊記當局現正採取其他方法和措施, 以滿 新界西北部的交通需求。


In addition, since 2003 Tsuen Wan is also a part of the West Rail Line which connects Tsuen Wan with the western part of the New Territories, Tuen Mun, Yuen Long, and to the rest of Hong Kong as well, thus [...]

making it convenient to travel about.


另外20 03年該區擁有通往新界西屯門、元朗區和九龍西的西鐵線 而這些鐵 路連 接了荃 香港 各地 ,使 其交通變得更方便。


As the early

[...] construction of the Northwest New Territories Railway and its extension to Tuen Mun will substantially ease traffic congestion throughout the New Territories West and the New Territories South and will be conducive to China-Hong Kong economic development, this Council urges the Government to consider taking immediate action to work out a timetable for the construction of the project and to set aside the necessary funds or make other appropriate financial arrangements for its construction in order to ensure [...]

that the project will not be delayed.


鑑於興建界西北鐵路伸延 至屯門的支線會大幅改善 新界 西及的交通擠並且能促進㆗ 港兩 的經 濟發展,本局促請政府考慮立即訂立 興建工程的進度時間表,以及撥出有關興 費或 作其 他適當的財務安排,以確保該 計劃不會被延誤。


Had the Administration constructed

[...] Route 3 and the New Territories Northwest Railway earlier to cater for the China-Hong Kong traffic demands, we would not have to face the frequent traffic gridlock in the two arteries [...]

of East and West New Territories today.


倘若當局能及早興建 3 號幹線及西鐵路港的通需 求,這 兩條新界東、西的交通大動脈,便不會出現今㆝經常塞車的困局。


Yuen Long town in Northwest New Territories, Hong Kong - 英中  – Linguee词典 (2024)
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Name: Neely Ledner

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.